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Results (5 matches)

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Label Polynomial Discriminant Galois group Class group Regulator
32.2.316...495.1 $x^{32} - 3 x + 1$ $-\,5\cdot 43\cdot 653\cdot 13933\cdot 79810093778148091175287\cdot 202599589222390924962441257111$ $S_{32}$ (as 32T2801324) trivial $1316142683122737200$
32.2.314...520.1 $x^{32} - 4 x + 1$ $-\,2^{64}\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdot 11\cdot 149\cdot 45481\cdot 35147261\cdot 434330976903076049484620989627$ $S_{32}$ (as 32T2801324) not computed
32.2.168...720.1 $x^{32} - 2 x - 4$ $-\,2^{30}\cdot 5\cdot 40163\cdot 133680241488339708940699\cdot 58456903283190320429286378563$ $S_{32}$ (as 32T2801324) not computed
32.2.673...735.1 $x^{32} - x - 4$ $-\,5\cdot 19\cdot 50555657\cdot 14\!\cdots\!09$ $S_{32}$ (as 32T2801324) trivial $1794404961520178200000$
47.1.277...320.1 $x^{47} + 2 x - 2$ $-\,2^{46}\cdot 5\cdot 13\cdot 17\cdot 89\cdot 361179289\cdot 582997712425903553\cdot 19\!\cdots\!87$ $S_{47}$ (as 47T6) not computed
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