
Label 80.192.2-16.a.1.7
Level $80$
Index $192$
Genus $2$
Cusps $14$
$\Q$-cusps $2$

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Level: $80$ $\SL_2$-level: $16$ Newform level: $64$
Index: $192$ $\PSL_2$-index:$96$
Genus: $2 = 1 + \frac{ 96 }{12} - \frac{ 0 }{4} - \frac{ 0 }{3} - \frac{ 14 }{2}$
Cusps: $14$ (of which $2$ are rational) Cusp widths $4^{8}\cdot8^{4}\cdot16^{2}$ Cusp orbits $1^{2}\cdot2^{4}\cdot4$
Elliptic points: $0$ of order $2$ and $0$ of order $3$
Analytic rank: not computed
$\Q$-gonality: $2$
$\overline{\Q}$-gonality: $2$
Rational cusps: $2$
Rational CM points: none

Other labels

Cummins and Pauli (CP) label: 16I2

Level structure

$\GL_2(\Z/80\Z)$-generators: $\begin{bmatrix}9&16\\32&7\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}15&56\\48&79\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}31&16\\24&27\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}65&28\\12&9\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}73&76\\8&27\end{bmatrix}$
Contains $-I$: no $\quad$ (see 16.96.2.a.1 for the level structure with $-I$)
Cyclic 80-isogeny field degree: $24$
Cyclic 80-torsion field degree: $384$
Full 80-torsion field degree: $61440$


Embedded model Embedded model in $\mathbb{P}^{3}$

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 2 x^{2} w + y^{2} w - z^{2} w $
$=$ $2 x^{2} z + y^{2} z - z^{3}$
$=$ $2 x^{2} y + y^{3} - y z^{2}$
$=$ $2 x^{3} + x y^{2} - x z^{2}$
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Singular plane model Singular plane model

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 2 x^{5} + 2 x^{4} z - 4 x^{3} y^{2} + x^{3} z^{2} + 8 x^{2} y^{2} z + x^{2} z^{3} + 6 x y^{4} + \cdots - z^{5} $
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Weierstrass model Weierstrass model

$ y^{2} $ $=$ $ x^{5} - 2x^{4} - 2x^{2} - x $
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Rational points

This modular curve has 2 rational cusps but no known non-cuspidal rational points. The following are the coordinates of the rational cusps on this modular curve.

Embedded model
$(0:0:0:1)$, $(0:-1:1:0)$

Maps to other modular curves

$j$-invariant map of degree 96 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the modular curve $X(1)$ :

$\displaystyle j$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{1}{2^2}\cdot\frac{131113xyz^{18}+3935183xyz^{16}w^{2}-27203610xyz^{14}w^{4}-244727732xyz^{12}w^{6}+498982400xyz^{10}w^{8}+464087376xyz^{8}w^{10}+514229696xyz^{6}w^{12}+77616256xyz^{4}w^{14}-582018816xyz^{2}w^{16}+33197824xyw^{18}+266817xz^{19}+4191683xz^{17}w^{2}-55681158xz^{15}w^{4}-261103060xz^{13}w^{6}+731654816xz^{11}w^{8}+316142768xz^{9}w^{10}+1580558656xz^{7}w^{12}-1232384384xz^{5}w^{14}-553865984xz^{3}w^{16}+194784000xzw^{18}-132620y^{2}z^{18}-349695y^{2}z^{16}w^{2}+35842104y^{2}z^{14}w^{4}+19978948y^{2}z^{12}w^{6}-574542336y^{2}z^{10}w^{8}+434011344y^{2}z^{8}w^{10}-842231296y^{2}z^{6}w^{12}+1919783808y^{2}z^{4}w^{14}-776994816y^{2}z^{2}w^{16}+33195264y^{2}w^{18}+65577yz^{19}+1839550yz^{17}w^{2}-10796025yz^{15}w^{4}-83470300yz^{13}w^{6}+98960664yz^{11}w^{8}-148735232yz^{9}w^{10}+762347104yz^{7}w^{12}-617048448yz^{5}w^{14}+1195522304yz^{3}w^{16}-313163776yzw^{18}+199733z^{20}+2400237z^{18}w^{2}-45331037z^{16}w^{4}-170902352z^{14}w^{6}+637826296z^{12}w^{8}+274970480z^{10}w^{10}+993237728z^{8}w^{12}-901424896z^{6}w^{14}-784903424z^{4}w^{16}+237938432z^{2}w^{18}+2560w^{20}}{w^{8}(xyz^{10}+751xyz^{8}w^{2}-58xyz^{6}w^{4}-2452xyz^{4}w^{6}-1312xyz^{2}w^{8}+432xyw^{10}+1153xz^{11}-5837xz^{9}w^{2}-15854xz^{7}w^{4}-14932xz^{5}w^{6}-8256xz^{3}w^{8}-2160xzw^{10}-384y^{2}z^{10}+1693y^{2}z^{8}w^{2}+5264y^{2}z^{6}w^{4}+6132y^{2}z^{4}w^{6}+3968y^{2}z^{2}w^{8}+432y^{2}w^{10}+yz^{11}+1134yz^{9}w^{2}-1377yz^{7}w^{4}-7084yz^{5}w^{6}-6984yz^{3}w^{8}-1728yzw^{10}+769z^{12}-4143z^{10}w^{2}-10221z^{8}w^{4}-8272z^{6}w^{6}-3688z^{4}w^{8}-816z^{2}w^{10})}$

Map of degree 1 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the plane model of the modular curve 16.96.2.a.1 :

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle y$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle w$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle z$

Equation of the image curve:

$0$ $=$ $ 2X^{5}-4X^{3}Y^{2}+6XY^{4}+2X^{4}Z+8X^{2}Y^{2}Z-2Y^{4}Z+X^{3}Z^{2}+8XY^{2}Z^{2}+X^{2}Z^{3}-4Y^{2}Z^{3}-XZ^{4}-Z^{5} $

Map of degree 1 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the Weierstrass model of the modular curve 16.96.2.a.1 :

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{3}{2}y^{2}z+yz^{2}+yw^{2}-\frac{1}{2}z^{3}-\frac{1}{3}zw^{2}$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{4}{3}y^{8}w+\frac{10}{9}y^{7}zw-\frac{275}{27}y^{6}z^{2}w-\frac{8}{3}y^{6}w^{3}-\frac{221}{18}y^{5}z^{3}w-\frac{56}{9}y^{5}zw^{3}+\frac{53}{6}y^{4}z^{4}w+\frac{46}{27}y^{4}z^{2}w^{3}+\frac{55}{9}y^{3}z^{5}w+\frac{16}{3}y^{3}z^{3}w^{3}-\frac{52}{9}y^{2}z^{6}w-\frac{100}{27}y^{2}z^{4}w^{3}+\frac{3}{2}yz^{7}w+\frac{8}{9}yz^{5}w^{3}-\frac{7}{54}z^{8}w-\frac{2}{27}z^{6}w^{3}$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle y^{3}+\frac{7}{6}y^{2}z-yz^{2}+\frac{1}{6}z^{3}$

Modular covers

This modular curve minimally covers the modular curves listed below.

Covered curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank
40.96.0-8.c.1.4 $40$ $2$ $2$ $0$ $0$
80.96.0-8.c.1.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $0$ $?$

This modular curve is minimally covered by the modular curves in the database listed below.

Covering curve Level Index Degree Genus
80.384.5-16.a.1.5 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-16.a.2.9 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-16.b.1.7 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-16.b.2.6 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-80.f.1.15 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-80.f.2.15 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-80.h.1.15 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-80.h.2.16 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-16.i.1.5 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-16.i.2.5 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-16.l.2.5 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.5-16.l.6.9 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$
80.384.7-16.a.1.2 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
80.384.7-16.c.1.6 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
80.384.7-80.d.1.13 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
80.384.7-80.e.1.14 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
80.384.7-16.g.1.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
80.384.7-16.i.1.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
80.384.7-80.y.1.14 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
80.384.7-80.z.1.10 $80$ $2$ $2$ $7$
240.384.5-48.a.1.9 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-48.a.2.12 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-48.c.1.16 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-48.c.2.10 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-48.n.1.9 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-48.n.2.12 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-240.n.1.20 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-240.n.2.25 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-48.p.1.10 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-48.p.2.10 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-240.p.1.20 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-240.p.2.22 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-240.dl.1.25 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.5-240.dl.2.27 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$
240.384.7-48.f.1.2 $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$
240.384.7-48.g.1.12 $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$
240.384.7-240.m.1.9 $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$
240.384.7-240.n.1.5 $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$
240.384.7-48.p.1.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$
240.384.7-48.q.1.2 $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$ $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$ $240$ $2$ $2$ $7$