
Label 312.192.3-24.fc.1.4
Level $312$
Index $192$
Genus $3$
Cusps $12$
$\Q$-cusps $0$

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Level: $312$ $\SL_2$-level: $24$ Newform level: $576$
Index: $192$ $\PSL_2$-index:$96$
Genus: $3 = 1 + \frac{ 96 }{12} - \frac{ 0 }{4} - \frac{ 0 }{3} - \frac{ 12 }{2}$
Cusps: $12$ (none of which are rational) Cusp widths $2^{4}\cdot6^{4}\cdot8^{2}\cdot24^{2}$ Cusp orbits $2^{6}$
Elliptic points: $0$ of order $2$ and $0$ of order $3$
Analytic rank: not computed
$\Q$-gonality: $2 \le \gamma \le 4$
$\overline{\Q}$-gonality: $2 \le \gamma \le 3$
Rational cusps: $0$
Rational CM points: none

Other labels

Cummins and Pauli (CP) label: 24V3

Level structure

$\GL_2(\Z/312\Z)$-generators: $\begin{bmatrix}7&6\\72&295\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}97&296\\16&273\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}125&288\\32&31\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}201&262\\196&39\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}213&215\\128&117\end{bmatrix}$
Contains $-I$: no $\quad$ (see 24.96.3.fc.1 for the level structure with $-I$)
Cyclic 312-isogeny field degree: $28$
Cyclic 312-torsion field degree: $2688$
Full 312-torsion field degree: $10063872$


Embedded model Embedded model in $\mathbb{P}^{5}$

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 2 y u + 2 w t + t^{2} $
$=$ $2 y^{2} - y z + w^{2} + w t$
$=$ $3 y z - y u - w t$
$=$ $3 z^{2} - 2 t^{2} - u^{2}$
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Singular plane model Singular plane model

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 36 x^{8} + 216 x^{7} z + 240 x^{6} y^{2} + 252 x^{6} z^{2} - 288 x^{5} y^{2} z - 540 x^{5} z^{3} + \cdots + 9 y^{4} z^{4} $
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Weierstrass model Weierstrass model

$ y^{2} $ $=$ $ 7x^{8} + 8x^{7} + 112x^{6} - 112x^{5} - 56x^{4} + 224x^{3} + 448x^{2} - 64x + 112 $
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Rational points

This modular curve has real points and $\Q_p$ points for $p$ not dividing the level, but no known rational points.

Maps to other modular curves

$j$-invariant map of degree 96 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the modular curve $X(1)$ :

$\displaystyle j$ $=$ $\displaystyle 2^6\,\frac{2173796352xyw^{10}-14967742464xyw^{8}u^{2}+10860604416xyw^{6}u^{4}-1480543488xyw^{4}u^{6}-85681872xyw^{2}u^{8}+27826428xyu^{10}+528528xzt^{10}+15634464xzt^{8}u^{2}-93354540xzt^{6}u^{4}+22337124xzt^{4}u^{6}+23847186xzt^{2}u^{8}+279552xzu^{10}+5434490880xw^{10}u-7291772928xw^{8}u^{3}+627678720xw^{6}u^{5}+250000128xw^{4}u^{7}+20427048xw^{2}u^{9}-7076160xt^{10}u+25005024xt^{8}u^{3}+55053648xt^{6}u^{5}-38066472xt^{4}u^{7}-6809016xt^{2}u^{9}-35831808yw^{10}u+79626240yw^{8}u^{3}-503801856yw^{6}u^{5}+748268928yw^{4}u^{7}-229526928yw^{2}u^{9}+11274330yu^{11}-155520zt^{8}u^{3}+254016zt^{6}u^{5}-9764064zt^{4}u^{7}+12431952zt^{2}u^{9}+5971968w^{12}-39813120w^{10}u^{2}+139885056w^{8}u^{4}-405468288w^{6}u^{6}+160062984w^{4}u^{8}+13589574w^{2}u^{10}-728t^{12}+51728t^{10}u^{2}-427286t^{8}u^{4}+7677242t^{6}u^{6}-9194609t^{4}u^{8}-4576450t^{2}u^{10}+93312u^{12}}{u^{2}(1990656xyw^{8}-8460288xyw^{6}u^{2}+2315520xyw^{4}u^{4}+115776xyw^{2}u^{6}-25788xyu^{8}+1968xzt^{8}+37176xzt^{6}u^{2}-90564xzt^{4}u^{4}-17646xzt^{2}u^{6}+3981312xw^{8}u-2073600xw^{6}u^{3}-435456xw^{4}u^{5}-9504xw^{2}u^{7}-20736xt^{8}u+22464xt^{6}u^{3}+73440xt^{4}u^{5}+3168xt^{2}u^{7}+19906560yw^{8}u-25712640yw^{6}u^{3}+4136832yw^{4}u^{5}-35136yw^{2}u^{7}-44982yu^{9}+207360zt^{6}u^{3}-107136zt^{4}u^{5}-43488zt^{2}u^{7}-3981312w^{10}+16381440w^{8}u^{2}-2429568w^{6}u^{4}-564768w^{4}u^{6}-41994w^{2}u^{8}+3896t^{10}-86692t^{8}u^{2}-86114t^{6}u^{4}+105745t^{4}u^{6}+13998t^{2}u^{8})}$

Map of degree 1 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the plane model of the modular curve 24.96.3.fc.1 :

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle x$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle w$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{1}{3}u$

Equation of the image curve:

$0$ $=$ $ 36X^{8}+240X^{6}Y^{2}-368X^{4}Y^{4}+128X^{2}Y^{6}+216X^{7}Z-288X^{5}Y^{2}Z+96X^{3}Y^{4}Z+252X^{6}Z^{2}-516X^{4}Y^{2}Z^{2}+24X^{2}Y^{4}Z^{2}-540X^{5}Z^{3}+1044X^{3}Y^{2}Z^{3}+72XY^{4}Z^{3}-1071X^{4}Z^{4}+504X^{2}Y^{2}Z^{4}+9Y^{4}Z^{4}-324X^{3}Z^{5}+54XY^{2}Z^{5}-27X^{2}Z^{6} $

Map of degree 1 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the Weierstrass model of the modular curve 24.96.3.fc.1 :

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle 12wt^{2}+6wu^{2}+6t^{3}+2t^{2}u+4tu^{2}$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle -8640xwt^{7}u^{3}-3456xwt^{6}u^{4}-7776xwt^{5}u^{5}-1728xwt^{4}u^{6}-1728xwt^{3}u^{7}-4320xt^{8}u^{3}-3456xt^{7}u^{4}-4752xt^{6}u^{5}-1728xt^{5}u^{6}-1296xt^{4}u^{7}-1728wt^{6}u^{5}-864wt^{5}u^{6}-864wt^{4}u^{7}-432wt^{3}u^{8}-864t^{7}u^{5}-792t^{6}u^{6}-576t^{5}u^{7}-360t^{4}u^{8}$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle t^{2}u-tu^{2}$

Modular covers

This modular curve minimally covers the modular curves listed below.

Covered curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank
156.96.1-12.l.1.2 $156$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$
312.48.0-24.bk.1.1 $312$ $4$ $4$ $0$ $?$
312.96.1-12.l.1.13 $312$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ $312$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ $312$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ $312$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ $312$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$

This modular curve is minimally covered by the modular curves in the database listed below.

Covering curve Level Index Degree Genus
312.384.5-24.fb.1.2 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-24.fb.2.2 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-24.fb.3.5 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-24.fb.4.5 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-24.fc.1.1 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-24.fc.2.1 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-24.fc.3.7 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-24.fc.4.7 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vr.1.6 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vr.2.5 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vr.3.4 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vr.4.3 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vs.1.4 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vs.2.3 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vs.3.10 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$
312.384.5-312.vs.4.9 $312$ $2$ $2$ $5$