
Label 280.192.5-56.y.1.11
Level $280$
Index $192$
Genus $5$
Cusps $8$
$\Q$-cusps $0$

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Level: $280$ $\SL_2$-level: $56$ Newform level: $3136$
Index: $192$ $\PSL_2$-index:$96$
Genus: $5 = 1 + \frac{ 96 }{12} - \frac{ 0 }{4} - \frac{ 0 }{3} - \frac{ 8 }{2}$
Cusps: $8$ (none of which are rational) Cusp widths $2^{2}\cdot4^{2}\cdot14^{2}\cdot28^{2}$ Cusp orbits $2^{4}$
Elliptic points: $0$ of order $2$ and $0$ of order $3$
Analytic rank: not computed
$\Q$-gonality: $3 \le \gamma \le 8$
$\overline{\Q}$-gonality: $3 \le \gamma \le 5$
Rational cusps: $0$
Rational CM points: none

Other labels

Cummins and Pauli (CP) label: 28E5

Level structure

$\GL_2(\Z/280\Z)$-generators: $\begin{bmatrix}65&154\\78&227\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}117&28\\22&9\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}193&182\\57&221\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}221&238\\30&179\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}237&98\\214&227\end{bmatrix}$
Contains $-I$: no $\quad$ (see 56.96.5.y.1 for the level structure with $-I$)
Cyclic 280-isogeny field degree: $24$
Cyclic 280-torsion field degree: $2304$
Full 280-torsion field degree: $7741440$


Canonical model in $\mathbb{P}^{ 4 }$ defined by 3 equations

$ 0 $ $=$ $ x z + x w - y t $
$=$ $14 x^{2} + z w$
$=$ $14 y^{2} - z^{2} + 5 z w - w^{2} - t^{2}$
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Singular plane model Singular plane model

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 14 x^{6} - 392 x^{4} y^{2} - x^{4} z^{2} + 2744 x^{2} y^{4} - 70 x^{2} y^{2} z^{2} - 196 y^{4} z^{2} - y^{2} z^{4} $
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Rational points

This modular curve has no $\Q_p$ points for $p=3$, and therefore no rational points.

Maps to other modular curves

$j$-invariant map of degree 96 from the canonical model of this modular curve to the modular curve $X(1)$ :

$\displaystyle j$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{570391865302xyw^{9}t+24455499097372xyw^{7}t^{3}+200603549368922xyw^{5}t^{5}+492349347836444xyw^{3}t^{7}+385910721293846xywt^{9}-7529536z^{12}-135531648z^{10}t^{2}-1784500032z^{8}t^{4}-22453076352z^{6}t^{6}-286920498816z^{4}t^{8}-3762313371264z^{2}t^{10}+5679882025zw^{11}+876962131284zw^{9}t^{2}+14294152376275zw^{7}t^{4}+58637349395624zw^{5}t^{6}+76132571004277zw^{3}t^{8}+19495956502242zwt^{10}-64w^{12}-35062395220w^{10}t^{2}-1109616170513w^{8}t^{4}-7119342421398w^{6}t^{6}-15613300332207w^{4}t^{8}-13064701019398w^{2}t^{10}-3496189450881t^{12}}{w(5488xyw^{8}t-3822xyw^{6}t^{3}-2394xyw^{4}t^{5}-266xyw^{2}t^{7}-14xyt^{9}+343zw^{10}-539zw^{8}t^{2}+790zw^{6}t^{4}+218zw^{4}t^{6}+19zw^{2}t^{8}+zt^{10}-49w^{9}t^{2}-330w^{7}t^{4}-360w^{5}t^{6}-86w^{3}t^{8}-7wt^{10})}$

Map of degree 1 from the canonical model of this modular curve to the plane model of the modular curve 56.96.5.y.1 :

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle x$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{1}{14}w$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle t$

Equation of the image curve:

$0$ $=$ $ 14X^{6}-392X^{4}Y^{2}+2744X^{2}Y^{4}-X^{4}Z^{2}-70X^{2}Y^{2}Z^{2}-196Y^{4}Z^{2}-Y^{2}Z^{4} $

Modular covers

This modular curve minimally covers the modular curves listed below.

Covered curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank
280.24.0-56.m.1.3 $280$ $8$ $8$ $0$ $?$
280.96.2-28.b.1.15 $280$ $2$ $2$ $2$ $?$
280.96.2-28.b.1.16 $280$ $2$ $2$ $2$ $?$

This modular curve is minimally covered by the modular curves in the database listed below.

Covering curve Level Index Degree Genus $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$ $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$ $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$ $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-56.ef.1.1 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-56.ef.1.5 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-56.ef.2.1 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-56.ef.2.5 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jg.1.3 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jg.1.4 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jg.2.3 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jg.2.4 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jh.1.9 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jh.1.11 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jh.2.9 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$
280.384.11-280.jh.2.11 $280$ $2$ $2$ $11$