
Label 21.64.1-21.a.1.2
Level $21$
Index $64$
Genus $1$
Analytic rank $0$
Cusps $4$
$\Q$-cusps $4$

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Level: $21$ $\SL_2$-level: $21$ Newform level: $21$
Index: $64$ $\PSL_2$-index:$32$
Genus: $1 = 1 + \frac{ 32 }{12} - \frac{ 0 }{4} - \frac{ 2 }{3} - \frac{ 4 }{2}$
Cusps: $4$ (all of which are rational) Cusp widths $1\cdot3\cdot7\cdot21$ Cusp orbits $1^{4}$
Elliptic points: $0$ of order $2$ and $2$ of order $3$
Analytic rank: $0$
$\Q$-gonality: $2$
$\overline{\Q}$-gonality: $2$
Rational cusps: $4$
Rational CM points: none

Other labels

Cummins and Pauli (CP) label: 21B1
Rouse, Sutherland, and Zureick-Brown (RSZB) label:

Level structure

$\GL_2(\Z/21\Z)$-generators: $\begin{bmatrix}2&14\\0&10\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}5&15\\0&19\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}17&15\\0&2\end{bmatrix}$
$\GL_2(\Z/21\Z)$-subgroup: $C_{42}:C_6^2$
Contains $-I$: no $\quad$ (see 21.32.1.a.1 for the level structure with $-I$)
Cyclic 21-isogeny field degree: $1$
Cyclic 21-torsion field degree: $12$
Full 21-torsion field degree: $1512$


Conductor: $3\cdot7$
Simple: yes
Squarefree: yes
Decomposition: $1$
Newforms: 21.2.a.a


Weierstrass model Weierstrass model

$ y^{2} + x y $ $=$ $ x^{3} - 4x - 1 $
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Rational points

This modular curve has rational points, including 4 rational_cusps and 4 known non-cuspidal non-CM points. The following are the known rational points on this modular curve (one row per $j$-invariant).

Elliptic curve CM $j$-invariant $j$-heightWeierstrass model
no$\infty$ $0.000$$(-1:-1:1)$, $(-2:1:1)$, $(0:1:0)$, $(5:8:1)$
162.b4 no$\tfrac{3375}{2}$ $= 2^{-1} \cdot 3^{3} \cdot 5^{3}$$8.124$$(2:-1:1)$
162.b3 no$\tfrac{-140625}{8}$ $= -1 \cdot 2^{-3} \cdot 3^{2} \cdot 5^{6}$$11.854$$(-1:2:1)$
162.b2 no$\tfrac{-1159088625}{2097152}$ $= -1 \cdot 2^{-21} \cdot 3^{2} \cdot 5^{3} \cdot 101^{3}$$20.871$$(5:-13:1)$
162.b1 no$\tfrac{-189613868625}{128}$ $= -1 \cdot 2^{-7} \cdot 3^{3} \cdot 5^{3} \cdot 383^{3}$$25.968$$(-1/4:1/8:1)$

Maps to other modular curves

$j$-invariant map of degree 32 from the Weierstrass model of this modular curve to the modular curve $X(1)$ :

$\displaystyle j$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{(y-2z)^{3}(23x^{2}y^{14}+377x^{2}y^{13}z+4095x^{2}y^{12}z^{2}+245068x^{2}y^{11}z^{3}+2435478x^{2}y^{10}z^{4}+29457995x^{2}y^{9}z^{5}+746040474x^{2}y^{8}z^{6}+6047469528x^{2}y^{7}z^{7}+53287573992x^{2}y^{6}z^{8}+717132085280x^{2}y^{5}z^{9}+4961101986080x^{2}y^{4}z^{10}+18103312690368x^{2}y^{3}z^{11}+39619021970944x^{2}y^{2}z^{12}+51911470190592x^{2}yz^{13}+33972342259712x^{2}z^{14}+6xy^{15}+204xy^{14}z+1280xy^{13}z^{2}+87098xy^{12}z^{3}+1577041xy^{11}z^{4}+11660113xy^{10}z^{5}+328331220xy^{9}z^{6}+3991172196xy^{8}z^{7}+28675924416xy^{7}z^{8}+377920774704xy^{6}z^{9}+3489741498816xy^{5}z^{10}+17183031111680xy^{4}z^{11}+51491907143168xy^{3}z^{12}+98709014081536xy^{2}z^{13}+117416508030976xyz^{14}+71848372469760xz^{15}+y^{16}+66y^{15}z+384y^{14}z^{2}+18499y^{13}z^{3}+562283y^{12}z^{4}+3281507y^{11}z^{5}+86201533y^{10}z^{6}+1428256201y^{9}z^{7}+8736970218y^{8}z^{8}+112307562952y^{7}z^{9}+1234256972808y^{6}z^{10}+6151243031328y^{5}z^{11}+16793531623264y^{4}z^{12}+28881347449664y^{3}z^{13}+31632474120704y^{2}z^{14}+22842692497408yz^{15}+16062921539584z^{16})}{z^{2}(8x^{2}y^{15}+364x^{2}y^{14}z+974x^{2}y^{13}z^{2}-44891x^{2}y^{12}z^{3}-365134x^{2}y^{11}z^{4}+535048x^{2}y^{10}z^{5}+19925700x^{2}y^{9}z^{6}+103175658x^{2}y^{8}z^{7}+71666946x^{2}y^{7}z^{8}-2146829497x^{2}y^{6}z^{9}-13917777272x^{2}y^{5}z^{10}-54067645471x^{2}y^{4}z^{11}-131663720534x^{2}y^{3}z^{12}-248391467944x^{2}y^{2}z^{13}-275148358478x^{2}yz^{14}-241660589493x^{2}z^{15}+xy^{16}+148xy^{15}z+1556xy^{14}z^{2}-14273xy^{13}z^{3}-254871xy^{12}z^{4}-655706xy^{11}z^{5}+9157729xy^{10}z^{6}+84905626xy^{9}z^{7}+238664745xy^{8}z^{8}-687953450xy^{7}z^{9}-10066438046xy^{6}z^{10}-48914984194xy^{5}z^{11}-161327953799xy^{4}z^{12}-355811912190xy^{3}z^{13}-610320252041xy^{2}z^{14}-636177787013xyz^{15}-511089803198xz^{16}+36y^{16}z+672y^{15}z^{2}-3053y^{14}z^{3}-94747y^{13}z^{4}-324723y^{12}z^{5}+3056786y^{11}z^{6}+31672288y^{10}z^{7}+94932910y^{9}z^{8}-284015448y^{8}z^{9}-3493289259y^{7}z^{10}-17645093604y^{6}z^{11}-50977456313y^{5}z^{12}-117062543890y^{4}z^{13}-165359854062y^{3}z^{14}-213998780587y^{2}z^{15}-117967467713yz^{16}-114265321181z^{17})}$

Modular covers

This modular curve minimally covers the modular curves listed below.

Covered curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank Kernel decomposition
21.16.0-7.a.1.1 $21$ $4$ $4$ $0$ $0$ full Jacobian

This modular curve is minimally covered by the modular curves in the database listed below.

Covering curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank Kernel decomposition
21.128.1-21.a.1.3 $21$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $0$ dimension zero
21.128.1-21.a.2.4 $21$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $0$ dimension zero
21.128.1-21.a.3.1 $21$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $0$ dimension zero
21.128.1-21.a.4.2 $21$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $0$ dimension zero
21.192.3-21.a.1.5 $21$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $0$ $2$
21.192.3-21.a.2.5 $21$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $0$ $2$
21.192.3-21.b.1.2 $21$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $0$ $1^{2}$
21.192.5-21.a.1.5 $21$ $3$ $3$ $5$ $0$ $1^{2}\cdot2$
21.448.11-21.a.1.3 $21$ $7$ $7$ $11$ $2$ $1^{6}\cdot2^{2}$
42.128.3-42.a.1.6 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $1^{2}$
42.128.3-42.b.1.4 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $1$ $1^{2}$
42.128.3-42.c.1.6 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $1$ $1^{2}$
42.128.3-42.d.1.3 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $1^{2}$
42.128.3-42.e.1.4 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $2$
42.128.3-42.e.2.3 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $2$
42.128.3-42.e.3.4 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $2$
42.128.3-42.e.4.2 $42$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $2$
42.192.5-42.a.1.8 $42$ $3$ $3$ $5$ $0$ $1^{4}$
63.192.3-63.a.1.2 $63$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $2$ $2$
63.192.3-63.a.2.1 $63$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $2$ $2$
63.192.3-63.b.1.8 $63$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $0$ $2$
63.192.3-63.b.2.5 $63$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $0$ $2$
63.192.3-63.c.1.6 $63$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $0$ $2$
63.192.3-63.c.2.6 $63$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $0$ $2$
63.192.5-63.a.1.7 $63$ $3$ $3$ $5$ $0$ $1^{2}\cdot2$
63.192.5-63.b.1.6 $63$ $3$ $3$ $5$ $2$ $1^{4}$
63.192.7-63.a.1.6 $63$ $3$ $3$ $7$ $0$ $1^{2}\cdot2^{2}$
84.128.1-84.c.1.3 $84$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
84.128.1-84.c.2.7 $84$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
84.128.1-84.c.3.5 $84$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
84.128.1-84.c.4.11 $84$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
84.128.3-84.a.1.13 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.128.3-84.b.1.7 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.128.3-84.e.1.7 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.128.3-84.f.1.7 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.128.3-84.g.1.8 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.128.3-84.g.2.7 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.128.3-84.g.3.8 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.128.3-84.g.4.6 $84$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
84.256.9-84.a.1.16 $84$ $4$ $4$ $9$ $?$ not computed
105.128.1-105.a.1.6 $105$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
105.128.1-105.a.2.6 $105$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
105.128.1-105.a.3.4 $105$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
105.128.1-105.a.4.4 $105$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
105.320.11-105.a.1.2 $105$ $5$ $5$ $11$ $?$ not computed
105.384.13-105.a.1.9 $105$ $6$ $6$ $13$ $?$ not computed
147.448.11-147.a.1.3 $147$ $7$ $7$ $11$ $?$ not computed
168.128.1-168.c.1.7 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.1-168.c.2.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.1-168.c.3.13 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.1-168.c.4.23 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.1-168.d.1.7 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.1-168.d.2.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.1-168.d.3.11 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.1-168.d.4.27 $168$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
168.128.3-168.a.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.b.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.c.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.d.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.g.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.h.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.i.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.j.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.k.1.14 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.k.2.16 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.k.3.12 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.k.4.16 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.l.1.15 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.l.2.16 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.l.3.14 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
168.128.3-168.l.4.16 $168$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.a.1.8 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.b.1.4 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.c.1.8 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.d.1.3 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.e.1.8 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.e.2.6 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.e.3.6 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
210.128.3-210.e.4.5 $210$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
231.128.1-231.a.1.8 $231$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
231.128.1-231.a.2.8 $231$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
231.128.1-231.a.3.4 $231$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
231.128.1-231.a.4.4 $231$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
273.128.1-273.a.1.2 $273$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
273.128.1-273.a.2.1 $273$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
273.128.1-273.a.3.5 $273$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
273.128.1-273.a.4.1 $273$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $?$ dimension zero
273.192.3-273.a.1.3 $273$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $?$ not computed
273.192.3-273.a.2.3 $273$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $?$ not computed
273.192.3-273.b.1.3 $273$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $?$ not computed
273.192.3-273.b.2.3 $273$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $?$ not computed
273.192.3-273.c.1.3 $273$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $?$ not computed
273.192.3-273.c.2.3 $273$ $3$ $3$ $3$ $?$ not computed