
Label 195.112.3-39.a.1.1
Level $195$
Index $112$
Genus $3$
Cusps $4$
$\Q$-cusps $4$

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Level: $195$ $\SL_2$-level: $39$ Newform level: $39$
Index: $112$ $\PSL_2$-index:$56$
Genus: $3 = 1 + \frac{ 56 }{12} - \frac{ 0 }{4} - \frac{ 2 }{3} - \frac{ 4 }{2}$
Cusps: $4$ (all of which are rational) Cusp widths $1\cdot3\cdot13\cdot39$ Cusp orbits $1^{4}$
Elliptic points: $0$ of order $2$ and $2$ of order $3$
Analytic rank: not computed
$\Q$-gonality: $2 \le \gamma \le 3$
$\overline{\Q}$-gonality: $2 \le \gamma \le 3$
Rational cusps: $4$
Rational CM points: none

Other labels

Cummins and Pauli (CP) label: 39A3

Level structure

$\GL_2(\Z/195\Z)$-generators: $\begin{bmatrix}8&99\\83&193\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}34&71\\52&66\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}59&129\\113&10\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}93&1\\188&10\end{bmatrix}$
Contains $-I$: no $\quad$ (see 39.56.3.a.1 for the level structure with $-I$)
Cyclic 195-isogeny field degree: $6$
Cyclic 195-torsion field degree: $576$
Full 195-torsion field degree: $5391360$


Embedded model Embedded model in $\mathbb{P}^{4}$

$ 0 $ $=$ $ x^{2} w + x y w + y z w $
$=$ $x^{2} y + x y^{2} + y^{2} z$
$=$ $x^{3} + x^{2} y + x y z$
$=$ $x^{2} z + x y z + y z^{2}$
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Singular plane model Singular plane model

$ 0 $ $=$ $ x^{6} y - x^{6} z + 4 x^{5} y z - 4 x^{5} z^{2} + 39 x^{4} y^{2} z - 78 x^{4} y z^{2} + 39 x^{4} z^{3} + \cdots + 4 z^{7} $
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Weierstrass model Weierstrass model

$ y^{2} + \left(x^{4} + x^{3} + x^{2} + x + 1\right) y $ $=$ $ -2x^{7} + 2x^{5} - 7x^{4} + 2x^{3} - 2x $
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Rational points

This modular curve has 4 rational cusps but no known non-cuspidal rational points. The following are the coordinates of the rational cusps on this modular curve.

Embedded model
$(-1:1:0:0:0)$, $(0:0:0:3:1)$, $(0:0:0:0:1)$, $(0:0:0:-1/4:1)$

Maps to other modular curves

$j$-invariant map of degree 56 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the modular curve $X(1)$ :

$\displaystyle j$ $=$ $\displaystyle -3^2\,\frac{3238717xw^{8}-3458758xw^{7}t-9281869xw^{6}t^{2}+3037648xw^{5}t^{3}+4369880xw^{4}t^{4}-2854216xw^{3}t^{5}-365898xw^{2}t^{6}+1946175xwt^{7}-459459xt^{8}-72y^{9}+486y^{8}t-342y^{7}t^{2}-1728y^{6}t^{3}-234y^{5}t^{4}+1548y^{4}t^{5}-414y^{3}t^{6}-11502y^{2}t^{7}+121981yzw^{7}-4978699yzw^{6}t+309068yzw^{5}t^{2}+6186556yzw^{4}t^{3}+1183892yzw^{3}t^{4}-2189164yzw^{2}t^{5}-414810yzwt^{6}+407115yzt^{7}+3299842yw^{8}-5384324yw^{7}t-4121646yw^{6}t^{2}+5369288yw^{5}t^{3}-1117208yw^{4}t^{4}-6126438yw^{3}t^{5}+808018yw^{2}t^{6}+3493932ywt^{7}-927702yt^{8}+1015847z^{2}w^{7}-59837z^{2}w^{6}t-3179174z^{2}w^{5}t^{2}-1004764z^{2}w^{4}t^{3}+1341424z^{2}w^{3}t^{4}+270628z^{2}w^{2}t^{5}-97974z^{2}wt^{6}+151209z^{2}t^{7}+1759834zw^{8}+5830560zw^{7}t-3986216zw^{6}t^{2}-9600858zw^{5}t^{3}-2296860zw^{4}t^{4}+1946134zw^{3}t^{5}+978038zw^{2}t^{6}+123672zwt^{7}+1098zt^{8}+1351568w^{9}-2374104w^{8}t-8333788w^{7}t^{2}+5303814w^{6}t^{3}+12326790w^{5}t^{4}+4652384w^{4}t^{5}-281720w^{3}t^{6}-3251538w^{2}t^{7}-764550wt^{8}-216t^{9}}{w^{3}(4655xw^{5}+4479xw^{4}t-1297xw^{3}t^{2}-2295xw^{2}t^{3}+275xwt^{4}+63xt^{5}+955yzw^{4}-2376yzw^{3}t-3541yzw^{2}t^{2}-660yzwt^{3}+351yzt^{4}+4868yw^{5}+2912yw^{4}t+266yw^{3}t^{2}+1158yw^{2}t^{3}+998ywt^{4}-288yt^{5}+1611z^{2}w^{4}+1842z^{2}w^{3}t+19z^{2}w^{2}t^{2}-700z^{2}wt^{3}-87z^{2}t^{4}+1368zw^{5}+5022zw^{4}t+7514zw^{3}t^{2}+3682zw^{2}t^{3}+620zwt^{4}+24zt^{5}+1736w^{6}-1558w^{5}t-7946w^{4}t^{2}-8334w^{3}t^{3}-2002w^{2}t^{4}-96wt^{5})}$

Map of degree 1 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the plane model of the modular curve $X_0(39)$ :

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle x$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle t$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle z$

Equation of the image curve:

$0$ $=$ $ X^{6}Y-X^{6}Z+4X^{5}YZ+39X^{4}Y^{2}Z-4X^{5}Z^{2}-78X^{4}YZ^{2}+78X^{3}Y^{2}Z^{2}+39X^{4}Z^{3}-156X^{3}YZ^{3}+39X^{2}Y^{2}Z^{3}+77X^{3}Z^{4}-100X^{2}YZ^{4}+62X^{2}Z^{5}-25XYZ^{5}+24XZ^{6}+4Z^{7} $

Map of degree 1 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the Weierstrass model of the modular curve $X_0(39)$ :

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle x$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle -x^{4}-x^{3}z+40x^{2}z^{2}-39x^{2}zt+38xz^{3}-39xz^{2}t+12z^{4}$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle -z$

Modular covers

The following modular covers realize this modular curve as a fiber product over $X(1)$.

Factor curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank
$X_0(13)$ $13$ $8$ $4$ $0$ $0$
15.8.0-3.a.1.2 $15$ $14$ $14$ $0$ $0$

This modular curve minimally covers the modular curves listed below.

Covered curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank
15.8.0-3.a.1.2 $15$ $14$ $14$ $0$ $0$

This modular curve is minimally covered by the modular curves in the database listed below.

Covering curve Level Index Degree Genus
195.224.5-39.a.1.1 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.224.5-39.a.2.1 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.224.5-195.a.1.16 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.224.5-195.a.2.16 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.224.5-39.b.1.2 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.224.5-39.b.2.3 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.224.5-195.b.1.3 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.224.5-195.b.2.2 $195$ $2$ $2$ $5$
195.336.9-39.a.1.3 $195$ $3$ $3$ $9$
195.336.9-39.a.2.4 $195$ $3$ $3$ $9$
195.336.9-39.b.1.1 $195$ $3$ $3$ $9$
195.336.11-39.a.1.1 $195$ $3$ $3$ $11$