Let $M$ and $N$ denote positive integers and $\ell$ a prime. Each modular curve below "parametrizes" elliptic curves with a particular type of level structure. Standard modular curves include:
$X_0(N)$, $X_1(N)$, $X_{\pm 1}(N)$, $X_{\mathrm{arith},1}(M,MN)$, $X_{\mathrm{arith},\pm 1}(M,MN)$, $X(N)$, $X_{\mathrm{sp}}(N)$, $X_{\mathrm{sp}}^+(N)$, $X_{\mathrm{ns}}(N)$, $X_{\mathrm{ns}}^+(N)$, $X_{S_4}(\ell)$, $X_{\mathrm{arith}}(N)$
The curves above are all modular curves specified by an open subgroup $H \le \GL_2(\widehat{\Z})$ of level $N$, $MN$, or $\ell$.
Knowl status:
- Review status: beta
- Last edited by Asimina Hamakiotes on 2024-12-10 14:57:13
Referred to by:
(expand/hide all)
- columns.gps_gl2zhat.name
- columns.gps_gl2zhat_fine.name
- hmsurface.standard_hmsurfaces
- modcurve.other_labels
- modcurve.search_input
- lmfdb/modular_curves/main.py (line 330)
- lmfdb/modular_curves/main.py (line 934)
- lmfdb/modular_curves/main.py (line 990)
- lmfdb/modular_curves/main.py (line 1142)
- lmfdb/modular_curves/templates/modcurve_browse.html (line 11)
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