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Label $\alpha$ $A$ $d$ $N$ $\chi$ $\mu$ $\nu$ $w$ prim arith $\mathbb{Q}$ self-dual $\operatorname{Arg}(\epsilon)$ $r$ First zero Origin
2-152-1.1-c3-0-0 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $0.448070$ Modular form 152.4.a.d.1.1
2-152-1.1-c3-0-1 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $0.780455$ Modular form 152.4.a.c.1.1
2-152-1.1-c3-0-10 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0.5$ $1$ $2.48981$ Modular form 152.4.a.b.1.2
2-152-1.1-c3-0-11 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0.5$ $1$ $2.61859$ Modular form 152.4.a.a.1.2
2-152-1.1-c3-0-12 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0.5$ $1$ $2.62957$ Modular form 152.4.a.b.1.3
2-152-1.1-c3-0-2 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $1.07529$ Modular form 152.4.a.d.1.2
2-152-1.1-c3-0-3 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $1.27101$ Modular form 152.4.a.d.1.3
2-152-1.1-c3-0-4 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $1.55078$ Modular form 152.4.a.c.1.2
2-152-1.1-c3-0-5 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $1.73407$ Modular form 152.4.a.d.1.5
2-152-1.1-c3-0-6 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $1.73480$ Modular form 152.4.a.c.1.3
2-152-1.1-c3-0-7 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0.5$ $1$ $1.86395$ Modular form 152.4.a.b.1.1
2-152-1.1-c3-0-8 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0$ $0$ $1.86752$ Modular form 152.4.a.d.1.4
2-152-1.1-c3-0-9 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 1.1 $3.0$ $3$ $0.5$ $1$ $2.13104$ Modular form 152.4.a.a.1.1
2-152-152.101-c3-0-0 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.387$ $0$ $0.00900450$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.17
2-152-152.101-c3-0-1 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.148$ $0$ $0.0391141$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.19
2-152-152.101-c3-0-10 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.231$ $0$ $0.358943$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.5
2-152-152.101-c3-0-11 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.375$ $0$ $0.375705$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.16
2-152-152.101-c3-0-12 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.447$ $0$ $0.378790$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.25
2-152-152.101-c3-0-13 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.468$ $0$ $0.491731$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.55
2-152-152.101-c3-0-14 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.372$ $0$ $0.493160$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.44
2-152-152.101-c3-0-15 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.240$ $0$ $0.502978$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.28
2-152-152.101-c3-0-16 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.346$ $0$ $0.536751$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.3
2-152-152.101-c3-0-17 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.373$ $0$ $0.589160$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.42
2-152-152.101-c3-0-18 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.367$ $0$ $0.614272$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.54
2-152-152.101-c3-0-19 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.397$ $0$ $0.618721$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.15
2-152-152.101-c3-0-2 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.323$ $0$ $0.0614749$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.4
2-152-152.101-c3-0-20 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.0558$ $0$ $0.649698$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.33
2-152-152.101-c3-0-21 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.484$ $0$ $0.753984$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.35
2-152-152.101-c3-0-22 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.285$ $0$ $0.965794$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.21
2-152-152.101-c3-0-23 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.0505$ $0$ $0.992009$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.7
2-152-152.101-c3-0-24 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.409$ $0$ $1.00447$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.49
2-152-152.101-c3-0-25 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.139$ $0$ $1.00980$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.9
2-152-152.101-c3-0-26 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.0912$ $0$ $1.02914$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.8
2-152-152.101-c3-0-27 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.0937$ $0$ $1.05517$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.26
2-152-152.101-c3-0-28 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.0355$ $0$ $1.07365$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.13
2-152-152.101-c3-0-29 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.0426$ $0$ $1.21739$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.11
2-152-152.101-c3-0-3 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.353$ $0$ $0.134682$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.14
2-152-152.101-c3-0-30 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.110$ $0$ $1.25214$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.56
2-152-152.101-c3-0-31 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.237$ $0$ $1.32830$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.24
2-152-152.101-c3-0-32 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.201$ $0$ $1.38784$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.23
2-152-152.101-c3-0-33 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.126$ $0$ $1.46786$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.50
2-152-152.101-c3-0-34 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.0231$ $0$ $1.51629$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.45
2-152-152.101-c3-0-35 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.136$ $0$ $1.55046$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.40
2-152-152.101-c3-0-36 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.232$ $0$ $1.57004$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.29
2-152-152.101-c3-0-37 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.0229$ $0$ $1.58006$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.30
2-152-152.101-c3-0-38 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.0947$ $0$ $1.60457$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.27
2-152-152.101-c3-0-39 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.201$ $0$ $1.63873$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.12
2-152-152.101-c3-0-4 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.296$ $0$ $0.143727$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.38
2-152-152.101-c3-0-40 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $0.0834$ $0$ $1.64578$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.1
2-152-152.101-c3-0-41 $2.99$ $8.96$ $2$ $2^{3} \cdot 19$ 152.101 $3.0$ $3$ $-0.128$ $0$ $1.70753$ Modular form 152.4.t.a.101.58
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