Error: no document with id 191159159 found in table mf_hecke_traces.

Error: table True does not exist

This is a very basic API for accessing the LMFDB Database. It lists available databases and collections, links to their respective descriptions, and has very limited query capabilities.
Queries are url encoded key=value parameters, where the value has a prefix to specify the type. Keys starting with "_" are meta-parameters further refining query. They can be combined by specifying several ones delimited by & to further drill down to the desired objects. The result formats are JSON, YAML or HTML (default). Each list is limited by a maximum of 100 results and the next entry contains the query to request more objects. The overall limit is at about 10000 results and beyond that it is necessary to further refine the query to the results in question.
Please use this API responsibly!

Type-prefixes for query values

  • s: string
  • i: integer
  • f: float
  • ls: list of strings, delimiter is "," by default or the value of the query key _delim
  • li: list of integers
  • lf: list of floats
  • py: this evaluates the query literally following the Python syntax. This can be used to express a matrix as a nested list of lists.
  • cs, ci, cf and cpy: queries, if the given string, integer, float or Python literal is contained in a list.


  • _format is used to specify the encoding. Possible values are html (default), json and yaml.
  • To only retrieve a selected list of entries per document, use _fields=name1,name2 to reduce the amount of data sent back to only those fields named name1 and name2.
  • Sorting by fields is done via _sort=name1,-name2, where the prefix "-" indicates to sort in descending order.
  • Finally, _delim is used to specify the delimiter (default: ",")


Available Collections