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Error: history is not a valid newform or space label

The database currently contains 1,141,508 (Galois orbits of) newforms, and 14,417,694 of their embeddings into the complex numbers. You can browse further statistics or create your own.

Browse newforms

By weight: 1   2   3   4   5-8   9-16   17-32   33-64   65-316  
By level: 1   2-10   11-100   101-1000   1001-5000   5001-10000   10001-50000   50001-100000   100001-1000000  
Some interesting newforms or a random newform
A table of newforms with rational \(q\)-expansion

Browse newspaces

By weight: 1   2   3   4   5-8   9-16   17-32   33-64   65-316  
By level: 1   2-10   11-100   101-1000   1001-5000   5001-10000   10001-50000   50001-100000   100001-1000000  
Some interesting newspaces or a random newspace
Create a search for newspaces, a table of dimensions for \(\Gamma_1(N)\), or a table for \(\Gamma_0(N)\) with trivial character



e.g. 3.6.a.a, 55.3.d or 20.5