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Label Class Base field Conductor norm Rank Torsion CM Sato-Tate Regulator Period Leading coeff j-invariant Weierstrass coefficients Weierstrass equation
4732.2-e1 4732.2-e \(\Q(\sqrt{-7}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 7 \cdot 13^{2} \) 0 $\Z/4\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.220089901$ 4.159308180 \( -\frac{117707714055526111767}{700388906893312} a - \frac{5825725329423279627}{350194453446656} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -1\) , \( 1\) , \( -1938 a + 467\) , \( 34770 a - 41587\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}-{x}^{2}+\left(-1938a+467\right){x}+34770a-41587$
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  *The rank, regulator and analytic order of Ш are not known for all curves in the database; curves for which these are unknown will not appear in searches specifying one of these quantities.