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Results (13 matches)

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Label Class Base field Conductor norm Rank Torsion CM Sato-Tate Regulator Period Leading coeff j-invariant Weierstrass coefficients Weierstrass equation
10.1-a1 10.1-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2 \cdot 5 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.385680830$ 1.742129368 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a\) , \( a - 1\) , \( a\) , \( -67 a + 360\) , \( 905 a + 1396\bigr] \) ${y}^2+a{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^3+\left(a-1\right){x}^2+\left(-67a+360\right){x}+905a+1396$
50.1-a1 50.1-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2 \cdot 5^{2} \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.619695306$ 1.558207877 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a + 1\) , \( a - 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -609 a + 1079\) , \( -674 a + 33097\bigr] \) ${y}^2+\left(a+1\right){x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^3+\left(a-1\right){x}^2+\left(-609a+1079\right){x}-674a+33097$
250.3-a1 250.3-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2 \cdot 5^{3} \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.619695306$ 1.558207877 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 124 a + 245\) , \( -292 a + 3566\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^3+a{x}^2+\left(124a+245\right){x}-292a+3566$
320.1-b1 320.1-b \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2^{6} \cdot 5 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $9.176941414$ $0.489912155$ 3.229946426 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( 808 a - 2341\) , \( -22422 a + 26059\bigr] \) ${y}^2+a{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^3+\left(a+1\right){x}^2+\left(808a-2341\right){x}-22422a+26059$
640.13-h1 640.13-h \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2^{7} \cdot 5 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.321710988$ $0.489912155$ 5.548292329 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[0\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( 159 a - 3016\) , \( 5039 a - 64248\bigr] \) ${y}^2={x}^3+{x}^2+\left(159a-3016\right){x}+5039a-64248$
810.1-a1 810.1-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2 \cdot 3^{4} \cdot 5 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.461893610$ 1.161419578 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a\) , \( -a - 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -579 a + 3216\) , \( -19480 a - 45780\bigr] \) ${y}^2+a{x}{y}={x}^3+\left(-a-1\right){x}^2+\left(-579a+3216\right){x}-19480a-45780$
1250.3-a1 1250.3-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2 \cdot 5^{4} \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1.112387565$ $0.277136166$ 0.885907678 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a\) , \( -1\) , \( a\) , \( -1614 a + 8936\) , \( 92044 a + 183836\bigr] \) ${y}^2+a{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^3-{x}^2+\left(-1614a+8936\right){x}+92044a+183836$
1280.9-c1 1280.9-c \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2^{8} \cdot 5 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $2.510309727$ $0.346420207$ 2.499019599 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[0\) , \( a\) , \( 0\) , \( -1032 a + 5712\) , \( -44428 a - 95392\bigr] \) ${y}^2={x}^3+a{x}^2+\left(-1032a+5712\right){x}-44428a-95392$
1600.1-a1 1600.1-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2^{6} \cdot 5^{2} \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $5.958836148$ $0.219095376$ 1.875874574 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[0\) , \( -a + 1\) , \( 0\) , \( 5318 a - 3809\) , \( -194953 a - 321409\bigr] \) ${y}^2={x}^3+\left(-a+1\right){x}^2+\left(5318a-3809\right){x}-194953a-321409$
3200.19-h1 3200.19-h \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2^{7} \cdot 5^{2} \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.219095376$ 2.203638713 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a + 1\) , \( -a + 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 3760 a - 12407\) , \( 230613 a - 378963\bigr] \) ${y}^2+\left(a+1\right){x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^3+\left(-a+1\right){x}^2+\left(3760a-12407\right){x}+230613a-378963$
3920.1-b1 3920.1-b \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2^{4} \cdot 5 \cdot 7^{2} \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $2.098387848$ $0.261869062$ 1.579098029 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[0\) , \( a - 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -3731 a + 1424\) , \( 110494 a - 315136\bigr] \) ${y}^2={x}^3+\left(a-1\right){x}^2+\left(-3731a+1424\right){x}+110494a-315136$
3920.3-a1 3920.3-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2^{4} \cdot 5 \cdot 7^{2} \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.261869062$ 1.316926017 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a\) , \( 1\) , \( a\) , \( 2117 a + 7507\) , \( 90713 a - 369925\bigr] \) ${y}^2+a{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^3+{x}^2+\left(2117a+7507\right){x}+90713a-369925$
4050.1-c1 4050.1-c \(\Q(\sqrt{-31}) \) \( 2 \cdot 3^{4} \cdot 5^{2} \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $8.889207331$ $0.206565102$ 5.276660147 \( -\frac{780929100411181}{1280000000} a - \frac{1907478885001083}{1280000000} \) \( \bigl[a + 1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -5448 a + 9729\) , \( 43063 a - 835459\bigr] \) ${y}^2+\left(a+1\right){x}{y}={x}^3+{x}^2+\left(-5448a+9729\right){x}+43063a-835459$
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  *The rank, regulator and analytic order of Ш are not known for all curves in the database; curves for which these are unknown will not appear in searches specifying one of these quantities.