
Label 6.2.ac_d_ad_e_b_ag
Base field $\F_{2}$
Dimension $6$
$p$-rank $5$
Ordinary no
Supersingular no
Simple no
Geometrically simple no
Primitive yes
Principally polarizable yes
Contains a Jacobian no


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Base field:  $\F_{2}$
Dimension:  $6$
L-polynomial:  $( 1 - 2 x + 2 x^{2} )( 1 + x + 2 x^{2} )( 1 - x + 3 x^{2} - 2 x^{3} + 4 x^{4} )( 1 - 3 x^{2} + 4 x^{4} )$
  $1 - 2 x + 3 x^{2} - 3 x^{3} + 4 x^{4} + x^{5} - 6 x^{6} + 2 x^{7} + 16 x^{8} - 24 x^{9} + 48 x^{10} - 64 x^{11} + 64 x^{12}$
Frobenius angles:  $\pm0.115026728081$, $\pm0.250000000000$, $\pm0.306143893905$, $\pm0.570118980449$, $\pm0.615026728081$, $\pm0.884973271919$
Angle rank:  $3$ (numerical)
Jacobians:  $0$

This isogeny class is not simple, primitive, not ordinary, and not supersingular. It is principally polarizable.

Newton polygon

$p$-rank:  $5$
Slopes:  $[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1/2, 1/2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]$

Point counts

Point counts of the abelian variety

$r$ $1$ $2$ $3$ $4$ $5$
$A(\F_{q^r})$ $40$ $8800$ $307840$ $28160000$ $2683901000$

Point counts of the (virtual) curve

$r$ $1$ $2$ $3$ $4$ $5$ $6$ $7$ $8$ $9$ $10$
$C(\F_{q^r})$ $1$ $7$ $10$ $23$ $61$ $64$ $57$ $319$ $550$ $1107$

Jacobians and polarizations

This isogeny class is principally polarizable, but does not contain a Jacobian.

Decomposition and endomorphism algebra

All geometric endomorphisms are defined over $\F_{2^{4}}$.

Endomorphism algebra over $\F_{2}$
The isogeny class factors as $\times$ 1.2.b $\times$ 2.2.ab_d $\times$ 2.2.a_ad and its endomorphism algebra is a direct product of the endomorphism algebras for each isotypic factor. The endomorphism algebra for each factor is:
Endomorphism algebra over $\overline{\F}_{2}$
The base change of $A$ to $\F_{2^{4}}$ is 1.16.ab 3 $\times$ 1.16.i $\times$ 2.16.b_b. The endomorphism algebra for each factor is:
Remainder of endomorphism lattice by field

Base change

This is a primitive isogeny class.


Below are some of the twists of this isogeny class.

TwistExtension degreeCommon base change
6.2.ae_j_al_g_h_as$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_d_ab_a_ab_g$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_b_ab_c_b_c$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_b_b_c_ab_c$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_d_b_a_b_g$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_d_d_e_ab_ag$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.e_j_l_g_ah_as$2$(not in LMFDB)

Below is a list of all twists of this isogeny class.

TwistExtension degreeCommon base change
6.2.ae_j_al_g_h_as$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_d_ab_a_ab_g$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_b_ab_c_b_c$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_b_b_c_ab_c$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_d_b_a_b_g$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_d_d_e_ab_ag$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.e_j_l_g_ah_as$2$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ag_z_act_gi_alp_sc$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ae_p_abj_da_afb_ic$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ae_p_abh_cs_aef_gs$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_j_ap_bo_acb_dy$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_j_an_bk_abr_dm$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_j_al_bg_abd_cw$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_h_ad_ba_al_co$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_h_ab_ba_af_ck$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_h_b_ba_f_ck$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_h_d_ba_l_co$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_j_l_bg_bd_cw$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_j_n_bk_br_dm$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_j_p_bo_cb_dy$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.e_p_bh_cs_ef_gs$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.e_p_bj_da_fb_ic$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.g_z_ct_gi_lp_sc$4$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ae_r_abp_du_agj_km$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_f_af_e_d_ai$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_l_ar_ca_acl_fg$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_l_ap_bw_abx_eq$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_d_ab_c_b_a$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_d_b_c_ab_a$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_j_ab_bm_af_ds$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_j_b_bm_f_ds$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_f_f_e_ad_ai$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_l_p_bw_bx_eq$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_l_r_ca_cl_fg$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.e_r_bp_du_gj_km$8$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.af_p_abh_cj_adx_fu$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ad_h_ap_bd_abv_co$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ad_h_an_x_abp_ck$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ad_h_af_ab_x_abi$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_d_ah_l_at_ba$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_d_af_j_ar_s$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_d_b_d_n_ag$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_d_d_b_l_g$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_d_ad_b_al_g$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_d_ab_d_an_ag$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_d_f_j_r_s$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_d_h_l_t_ba$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.d_h_f_ab_ax_abi$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.d_h_n_x_bp_ck$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.d_h_p_bd_bv_co$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.f_p_bh_cj_dx_fu$12$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ad_j_at_bj_ach_dg$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_f_aj_p_abd_bk$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_f_ah_n_abb_bc$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_f_b_f_v_ae$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_f_ab_f_av_ae$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_f_h_n_bb_bc$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_f_j_p_bd_bk$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.d_j_t_bj_ch_dg$24$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ah_bc_adc_gy_amv_tu$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ag_s_abk_ch_adn_fe$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.af_q_abm_cw_aev_he$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ae_i_am_v_abn_ck$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ad_i_aq_bc_abt_ck$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_c_ae_l_ap_s$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ab_e_ag_k_av_w$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_a_ae_f_ad_k$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.a_a_e_f_d_k$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.b_e_g_k_v_w$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_c_e_l_p_s$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.d_i_q_bc_bt_ck$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.e_i_m_v_bn_ck$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.f_q_bm_cw_ev_he$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.g_s_bk_ch_dn_fe$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.h_bc_dc_gy_mv_tu$28$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.af_s_abw_ea_ahh_lc$56$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ae_k_au_bj_acb_cy$56$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ad_k_aw_bq_acv_ea$56$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.ac_e_ai_n_av_bk$56$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.c_e_i_n_v_bk$56$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.d_k_w_bq_cv_ea$56$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.e_k_u_bj_cb_cy$56$(not in LMFDB)
6.2.f_s_bw_ea_hh_lc$56$(not in LMFDB)