
Label 40.48.1.kd.1
Level $40$
Index $48$
Genus $1$
Analytic rank $1$
Cusps $6$
$\Q$-cusps $0$

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Level: $40$ $\SL_2$-level: $8$ Newform level: $800$
Index: $48$ $\PSL_2$-index:$48$
Genus: $1 = 1 + \frac{ 48 }{12} - \frac{ 4 }{4} - \frac{ 0 }{3} - \frac{ 6 }{2}$
Cusps: $6$ (none of which are rational) Cusp widths $8^{6}$ Cusp orbits $2\cdot4$
Elliptic points: $4$ of order $2$ and $0$ of order $3$
Analytic rank: $1$
$\Q$-gonality: $2$
$\overline{\Q}$-gonality: $2$
Rational cusps: $0$
Rational CM points: none

Other labels

Cummins and Pauli (CP) label: 8I1
Rouse, Sutherland, and Zureick-Brown (RSZB) label:

Level structure

$\GL_2(\Z/40\Z)$-generators: $\begin{bmatrix}7&18\\30&33\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}11&31\\2&5\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}33&29\\2&7\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}33&33\\30&7\end{bmatrix}$
Contains $-I$: yes
Quadratic refinements: none in database
Cyclic 40-isogeny field degree: $24$
Cyclic 40-torsion field degree: $384$
Full 40-torsion field degree: $15360$


Conductor: $2^{5}\cdot5^{2}$
Simple: yes
Squarefree: yes
Decomposition: $1$
Newforms: 800.2.a.d


Embedded model Embedded model in $\mathbb{P}^{3}$

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 2 x^{2} - x y - x z - 2 y z + y w - z w $
$=$ $5 x^{2} - 2 x y + 2 x z - 3 y^{2} + 2 y z + z^{2} + w^{2}$
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Singular plane model Singular plane model

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 13 x^{4} + 48 x^{3} y + 2 x^{3} z + 198 x^{2} y^{2} + 154 x^{2} y z + 42 x^{2} z^{2} - 192 x y^{3} + \cdots + 4 z^{4} $
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Rational points

This modular curve has real points and $\Q_p$ points for $p$ not dividing the level, but no known rational points.

Maps between models of this curve

Birational map from embedded model to plane model:

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle z$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle y$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle w$

Maps to other modular curves

$j$-invariant map of degree 48 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the modular curve $X(1)$ :

$\displaystyle j$ $=$ $\displaystyle 2\cdot3^3\,\frac{39804413425877466000000xz^{11}-131419532726540843400000xz^{10}w+199890965381524734600000xz^{9}w^{2}-185447673041906753640000xz^{8}w^{3}+116731802403637980840000xz^{7}w^{4}-52217274088961060292000xz^{6}w^{5}+16824226847347110276000xz^{5}w^{6}-3835838766746758917600xz^{4}w^{7}+585374133731325721800xz^{3}w^{8}-50711964647455541380xz^{2}w^{9}+1278601837927489700xzw^{10}+99770635012584428xw^{11}-28771313947097571000000y^{2}z^{10}+94356214691616027000000y^{2}z^{9}w-142771414228914102480000y^{2}z^{8}w^{2}+132070015757824902000000y^{2}z^{7}w^{3}-83158336144180561644000y^{2}z^{6}w^{4}+37388068078659769188000y^{2}z^{5}w^{5}-12195768502018820563200y^{2}z^{4}w^{6}+2852913576714214255200y^{2}z^{3}w^{7}-458938287025075012860y^{2}z^{2}w^{8}+45513744264384434220y^{2}zw^{9}-2121718020800915848y^{2}w^{10}+62035422316497342000000yz^{11}-225725100469604188200000yz^{10}w+380775705542917916760000yz^{9}w^{2}-394907286959150108760000yz^{8}w^{3}+280959465232929108888000yz^{7}w^{4}-144459224302259628900000yz^{6}w^{5}+54918251932499171474400yz^{5}w^{6}-15457797249229352642400yz^{4}w^{7}+3158541183527077826520yz^{3}w^{8}-445680301624721932980yz^{2}w^{9}+38856428427994639756yzw^{10}-1592796073395449948yw^{11}+9134174652895350000000z^{12}-7940473429325115600000z^{11}w-17688434440586357880000z^{10}w^{2}+37313039957346128880000z^{9}w^{3}-29433804420447901314000z^{8}w^{4}+10091617950909212208000z^{7}w^{5}+1402371305534587888800z^{6}w^{6}-3281760831826017108000z^{5}w^{7}+1768472656635778932240z^{4}w^{8}-550209849609811779800z^{3}w^{9}+108090817254251015732z^{2}w^{10}-12423972365640971056zw^{11}+653696708878044523w^{12}}{1911992098189326750000xz^{11}-5183305170569115975000xz^{10}w+6861775021779126375000xz^{9}w^{2}-5816182271484291435000xz^{8}w^{3}+3486746671158518685000xz^{7}w^{4}-1543194462595453438500xz^{6}w^{5}+510732866580834136500xz^{5}w^{6}-124869614284215406800xz^{4}w^{7}+21549074067791760000xz^{3}w^{8}-2329928766078365150xz^{2}w^{9}+99487800527002450xzw^{10}+5601833599051798xw^{11}-1382022872411465925000y^{2}z^{10}+3716016358154086125000y^{2}z^{9}w-4895596965173669775000y^{2}z^{8}w^{2}+4141921752893804670000y^{2}z^{7}w^{3}-2486313309556192126500y^{2}z^{6}w^{4}+1106241158916147685500y^{2}z^{5}w^{5}-370177922266951279950y^{2}z^{4}w^{6}+92396418473044769400y^{2}z^{3}w^{7}-16596371391458603040y^{2}z^{2}w^{8}+1965529955660144010y^{2}zw^{9}-119455077883373603y^{2}w^{10}+2979854584251341850000yz^{11}-9082454241694434975000yz^{10}w+13427097268282857675000yz^{9}w^{2}-12705372710112271815000yz^{8}w^{3}+8547326667351432963000yz^{7}w^{4}-4293454690777986535500yz^{6}w^{5}+1645033448535494009400yz^{5}w^{6}-481817071187458917300yz^{4}w^{7}+106098383040961975380yz^{3}w^{8}-16821173785528725270yz^{2}w^{9}+1740785030999641256yzw^{10}-89236887923639728yw^{11}+438757863665188950000z^{12}-122246586456859350000z^{11}w-848016047067513750000z^{10}w^{2}+1250410303259564400000z^{9}w^{3}-830873320239668060250z^{8}w^{4}+245439478031800518000z^{7}w^{5}+52260712202594195550z^{6}w^{6}-92545532058429313200z^{5}w^{7}+50140840481709285060z^{4}w^{8}-16680796097638317640z^{3}w^{9}+3681948349233432907z^{2}w^{10}-516401531627501126zw^{11}+36674326190447210w^{12}}$

Modular covers

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Cover information

Click on a modular curve in the diagram to see information about it.

This modular curve minimally covers the modular curves listed below.

Covered curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank Kernel decomposition $8$ $2$ $2$ $0$ $0$ full Jacobian

This modular curve is minimally covered by the modular curves in the database listed below.

Covering curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank Kernel decomposition
40.96.3.b.1 $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $2$ $1^{2}$ $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $1$ $1^{2}$ $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $2$ $1^{2}$
40.96.3.bu.1 $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $1$ $1^{2}$
40.96.3.cb.1 $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $1$ $1^{2}$
40.96.3.ce.1 $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $2$ $1^{2}$
40.96.3.cj.1 $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $1$ $1^{2}$ $40$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $2$ $1^{2}$
40.240.17.bib.1 $40$ $5$ $5$ $17$ $9$ $1^{14}\cdot2$
40.288.17.cvn.1 $40$ $6$ $6$ $17$ $5$ $1^{14}\cdot2$
40.480.33.ezn.1 $40$ $10$ $10$ $33$ $16$ $1^{28}\cdot2^{2}$
80.96.3.zl.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.3.zr.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.3.bch.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.3.bcj.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.3.bdd.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.3.bdj.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.3.bdv.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.3.bdx.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
80.96.5.ln.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
80.96.5.lp.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
80.96.5.mb.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
80.96.5.qd.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
80.96.5.qf.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
80.96.5.sf.1 $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed $80$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.96.3.vd.1 $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.96.3.vh.1 $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.96.3.vl.1 $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.96.3.bap.1 $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.96.3.baw.1 $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.96.3.bbf.1 $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.96.3.bbm.1 $120$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
120.144.7.rsr.1 $120$ $3$ $3$ $7$ $?$ not computed
120.192.11.r.1 $120$ $4$ $4$ $11$ $?$ not computed
240.96.3.fop.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
240.96.3.fov.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
240.96.3.frn.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
240.96.3.fvz.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
240.96.3.fwf.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
240.96.3.fwz.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
240.96.3.fxb.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.cmj.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.cml.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.cnf.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.cnl.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.dlt.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.dlv.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.dol.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
240.96.5.dor.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $5$ $?$ not computed
280.96.3.fp.1 $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
280.96.3.ft.1 $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
280.96.3.fx.1 $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
280.96.3.gx.1 $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed
280.96.3.hf.1 $280$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $?$ not computed