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Results (1-50 of 56 matches)

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Label Class Base field Conductor norm Rank Torsion CM Sato-Tate Regulator Period Leading coeff j-invariant Weierstrass coefficients Weierstrass equation
228.1-a1 228.1-a \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $3.498365743$ 6.487178073 \( \frac{50586025225}{2432} a - \frac{648752782793}{7296} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 4065 a - 17370\) , \( 271290 a - 1159743\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(4065a-17370\right){x}+271290a-1159743$
228.1-b1 228.1-b \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.785056116$ 1.891491668 \( -\frac{1627749557}{4202496} a - \frac{2731557865}{2101248} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a - 1\) , \( 1\) , \( -8464 a - 27714\) , \( -1046589 a - 3427495\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-8464a-27714\right){x}-1046589a-3427495$
228.1-c1 228.1-c \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $8.115846388$ 4.299880458 \( -\frac{197323441}{2736} a - \frac{771501277}{2736} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( a\) , \( 2 a - 7\) , \( -2 a + 3\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(2a-7\right){x}-2a+3$
228.1-d1 228.1-d \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $3.533391254$ 9.360182093 \( -\frac{69173457625}{42633378} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -1033091 a - 3383285\) , \( 1593926133 a + 5219976135\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-1033091a-3383285\right){x}+1593926133a+5219976135$
228.1-d2 228.1-d \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $14.13356501$ 9.360182093 \( -\frac{29605499548772875}{8208} a + \frac{63280529891672125}{4104} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( -455 a - 1493\) , \( 6825 a + 22353\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+\left(-455a-1493\right){x}+6825a+22353$
228.1-d3 228.1-d \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $14.13356501$ 9.360182093 \( \frac{96386901625}{18468} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -1153891 a - 3778895\) , \( 1308542283 a + 4285367651\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-1153891a-3778895\right){x}+1308542283a+4285367651$
228.1-d4 228.1-d \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $14.13356501$ 9.360182093 \( \frac{29605499548772875}{8208} a + \frac{96955560234571375}{8208} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( 455 a - 1948\) , \( -6825 a + 29178\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+\left(455a-1948\right){x}-6825a+29178$
228.1-e1 228.1-e \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.785056116$ 1.891491668 \( \frac{1627749557}{4202496} a - \frac{7090865287}{4202496} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( 1\) , \( 8464 a - 36178\) , \( 1046589 a - 4474084\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(8464a-36178\right){x}+1046589a-4474084$
228.1-f1 228.1-f \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.276517915$ 0.659262467 \( -\frac{146610587591375}{119537664} a - \frac{553912379914747}{119537664} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( -2637 a - 8642\) , \( -148236 a - 485468\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-2637a-8642\right){x}-148236a-485468$
228.1-f2 228.1-f \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/3\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $2.488661241$ 0.659262467 \( -\frac{12749851}{415872} a + \frac{163604263}{1247616} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( 3 a + 13\) , \( -585 a - 1919\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(3a+13\right){x}-585a-1919$
228.1-g1 228.1-g \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/3\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.060152355$ $6.016849312$ 6.711388494 \( \frac{146610587591375}{119537664} a - \frac{116753827917687}{19922944} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( -109294 a - 357929\) , \( 38220950 a + 125170447\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}+\left(-109294a-357929\right){x}+38220950a+125170447$
228.1-g2 228.1-g \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.020050785$ $6.016849312$ 6.711388494 \( \frac{12749851}{415872} a + \frac{62677355}{623808} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( 2066 a + 6766\) , \( 253346 a + 829687\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}+\left(2066a+6766\right){x}+253346a+829687$
228.1-h1 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.275427410$ 3.939975182 \( -\frac{8078253774625}{846825858} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( -418\) , \( -3610\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}-418{x}-3610$
228.1-h2 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/6\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $2.478846691$ 3.939975182 \( \frac{3616805375}{2105352} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( 32\) , \( 8\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+32{x}+8$
228.1-h3 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/6\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $9.915386767$ 3.939975182 \( \frac{57066625}{32832} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( -8\) , \( 0\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}-8{x}$
228.1-h4 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.101709640$ 3.939975182 \( -\frac{25477549476528524375}{17328} a + \frac{108914414920560011125}{17328} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -10156 a - 33260\) , \( -1012867 a - 3317057\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-10156a-33260\right){x}-1012867a-3317057$
228.1-h5 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/6\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $9.915386767$ 3.939975182 \( -\frac{13676826625}{700416} a + \frac{107616800875}{350208} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a - 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 2127 a - 9087\) , \( -101691 a + 434709\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(-a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(2127a-9087\right){x}-101691a+434709$
228.1-h6 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/6\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $9.915386767$ 3.939975182 \( \frac{13676826625}{700416} a + \frac{201556775125}{700416} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -2126 a - 6960\) , \( 99563 a + 326059\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-2126a-6960\right){x}+99563a+326059$
228.1-h7 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.101709640$ 3.939975182 \( \frac{8671983378625}{82308} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( -428\) , \( -3444\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}-428{x}-3444$
228.1-h8 228.1-h \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.101709640$ 3.939975182 \( \frac{25477549476528524375}{17328} a + \frac{41718432722015743375}{8664} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a - 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 10157 a - 43417\) , \( 1002709 a - 4286507\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(-a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(10157a-43417\right){x}+1002709a-4286507$
228.1-i1 228.1-i \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1.326467847$ $0.633866730$ 2.672812530 \( -\frac{16576888679672833}{2216253521952} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( -64169211 a - 210148851\) , \( 603052792193 a + 1974947972293\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-64169211a-210148851\right){x}+603052792193a+1974947972293$
228.1-i2 228.1-i \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $2.652935694$ $1.267733460$ 2.672812530 \( -\frac{173545548222105857}{188016488349696} a + \frac{388781211214657643}{94008244174848} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 1\) , \( 2059 a + 6740\) , \( 281466 a + 921776\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+\left(2059a+6740\right){x}+281466a+921776$
228.1-i3 228.1-i \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $2.652935694$ $1.267733460$ 2.672812530 \( \frac{173545548222105857}{188016488349696} a + \frac{604016874207209429}{188016488349696} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 1\) , \( -2059 a + 8799\) , \( -281466 a + 1203242\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+\left(-2059a+8799\right){x}-281466a+1203242$
228.1-i4 228.1-i \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1.326467847$ $2.535466920$ 2.672812530 \( \frac{4824238966273}{537919488} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( -4252411 a - 13926291\) , \( 8325010913 a + 27263721573\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-4252411a-13926291\right){x}+8325010913a+27263721573$
228.1-i5 228.1-i \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.663233923$ $2.535466920$ 2.672812530 \( \frac{18120364883707393}{269485056} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( -66102011 a - 216478611\) , \( 568251032033 a + 1860975088741\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-66102011a-216478611\right){x}+568251032033a+1860975088741$
228.1-i6 228.1-i \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1.326467847$ $2.535466920$ 2.672812530 \( \frac{74220219816682217473}{16416} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( -1057628411 a - 3463645491\) , \( 36374182046273 a + 119122435060741\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-1057628411a-3463645491\right){x}+36374182046273a+119122435060741$
228.1-j1 228.1-j \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.170606725$ $10.03516982$ 2.721226509 \( -\frac{197323441}{2736} a - \frac{771501277}{2736} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a - 1\) , \( a\) , \( -20689 a - 67751\) , \( 3186545 a + 10435669\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(-a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-20689a-67751\right){x}+3186545a+10435669$
228.1-k1 228.1-k \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.238115403$ $13.76401557$ 1.736421720 \( -\frac{50586025225}{2432} a - \frac{248497353559}{3648} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -13 a + 58\) , \( 237 a - 1022\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(-13a+58\right){x}+237a-1022$
228.1-l1 228.1-l \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.077031086$ 4.081206648 \( -\frac{16576888679672833}{2216253521952} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( -5312\) , \( -167551\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-5312{x}-167551$
228.1-l2 228.1-l \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/4\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.232497379$ 4.081206648 \( -\frac{173545548222105857}{188016488349696} a + \frac{388781211214657643}{94008244174848} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a - 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 31110 a - 132991\) , \( -5096364 a + 21786529\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(31110a-132991\right){x}-5096364a+21786529$
228.1-l3 228.1-l \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/4\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.232497379$ 4.081206648 \( \frac{173545548222105857}{188016488349696} a + \frac{604016874207209429}{188016488349696} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( a\) , \( -31111 a - 101880\) , \( 5096363 a + 16690166\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(-31111a-101880\right){x}+5096363a+16690166$
228.1-l4 228.1-l \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/4\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.232497379$ 4.081206648 \( \frac{4824238966273}{537919488} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( -352\) , \( -2431\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-352{x}-2431$
228.1-l5 228.1-l \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.308124344$ 4.081206648 \( \frac{18120364883707393}{269485056} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( -5472\) , \( -158079\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-5472{x}-158079$
228.1-l6 228.1-l \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.077031086$ 4.081206648 \( \frac{74220219816682217473}{16416} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( -87552\) , \( -10007679\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-87552{x}-10007679$
228.1-m1 228.1-m \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.238115403$ $13.76401557$ 1.736421720 \( \frac{50586025225}{2432} a - \frac{648752782793}{7296} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a - 1\) , \( a\) , \( 12 a + 46\) , \( -238 a - 784\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(12a+46\right){x}-238a-784$
228.1-n1 228.1-n \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) 0 $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $8.115846388$ 4.299880458 \( \frac{197323441}{2736} a - \frac{484412359}{1368} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a - 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -3 a - 5\) , \( a + 1\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(-3a-5\right){x}+a+1$
228.1-o1 228.1-o \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $8.213056302$ $0.583042285$ 2.537040597 \( -\frac{69173457625}{42633378} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -85\) , \( -473\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-85{x}-473$
228.1-o2 228.1-o \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $8.213056302$ $2.332169141$ 2.537040597 \( -\frac{29605499548772875}{8208} a + \frac{63280529891672125}{4104} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a - 1\) , \( a\) , \( 35436 a - 151484\) , \( 7007444 a - 29956246\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(35436a-151484\right){x}+7007444a-29956246$
228.1-o3 228.1-o \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $4.106528151$ $2.332169141$ 2.537040597 \( \frac{96386901625}{18468} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -95\) , \( -399\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-95{x}-399$
228.1-o4 228.1-o \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $8.213056302$ $2.332169141$ 2.537040597 \( \frac{29605499548772875}{8208} a + \frac{96955560234571375}{8208} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -35437 a - 116048\) , \( -7007445 a - 22948802\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(-35437a-116048\right){x}-7007445a-22948802$
228.1-p1 228.1-p \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/3\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.060152355$ $6.016849312$ 6.711388494 \( -\frac{146610587591375}{119537664} a - \frac{553912379914747}{119537664} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( 109294 a - 467223\) , \( -38220950 a + 163391397\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}+\left(109294a-467223\right){x}-38220950a+163391397$
228.1-p2 228.1-p \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.020050785$ $6.016849312$ 6.711388494 \( -\frac{12749851}{415872} a + \frac{163604263}{1247616} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 1\) , \( -2066 a + 8832\) , \( -253346 a + 1083033\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}+\left(-2066a+8832\right){x}-253346a+1083033$
228.1-q1 228.1-q \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.170606725$ $10.03516982$ 2.721226509 \( \frac{197323441}{2736} a - \frac{484412359}{1368} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( a\) , \( 20690 a - 88440\) , \( -3165856 a + 13533774\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(20690a-88440\right){x}-3165856a+13533774$
228.1-r1 228.1-r \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.018035926$ $8.937065138$ 5.550975306 \( -\frac{1627749557}{4202496} a - \frac{2731557865}{2101248} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 0\) , \( 9 a - 29\) , \( -181 a + 779\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+\left(a+1\right){x}^{2}+\left(9a-29\right){x}-181a+779$
228.1-s1 228.1-s \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/6\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $2.129702711$ $2.380767667$ 0.895441686 \( -\frac{8078253774625}{846825858} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -5049692 a - 16537318\) , \( 13049407660 a + 42735729826\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(-5049692a-16537318\right){x}+13049407660a+42735729826$
228.1-s2 228.1-s \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.709900903$ $2.380767667$ 0.895441686 \( \frac{3616805375}{2105352} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 386308 a + 1265132\) , \( -19979150 a - 65430062\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(386308a+1265132\right){x}-19979150a-65430062$
228.1-s3 228.1-s \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z\oplus\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.354950451$ $9.523070670$ 0.895441686 \( \frac{57066625}{32832} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( -a\) , \( a + 1\) , \( -96892 a - 317308\) , \( -2306310 a - 7552974\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}-a{x}^{2}+\left(-96892a-317308\right){x}-2306310a-7552974$
228.1-s4 228.1-s \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/6\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $2.129702711$ $9.523070670$ 0.895441686 \( -\frac{25477549476528524375}{17328} a + \frac{108914414920560011125}{17328} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( 29535 a - 126260\) , \( -5355845 a + 22895794\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}+\left(29535a-126260\right){x}-5355845a+22895794$
228.1-s5 228.1-s \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.709900903$ $9.523070670$ 0.895441686 \( -\frac{13676826625}{700416} a + \frac{107616800875}{350208} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -365 a - 1195\) , \( 7195 a + 23563\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}+\left(-365a-1195\right){x}+7195a+23563$
228.1-s6 228.1-s \(\Q(\sqrt{57}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 3 \cdot 19 \) $1$ $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.709900903$ $9.523070670$ 0.895441686 \( \frac{13676826625}{700416} a + \frac{201556775125}{700416} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( 365 a - 1560\) , \( -7195 a + 30758\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}+\left(365a-1560\right){x}-7195a+30758$
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  *The rank, regulator and analytic order of Ш are not known for all curves in the database; curves for which these are unknown will not appear in searches specifying one of these quantities.