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Results (6 matches)

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Label Class Base field Conductor norm Rank Torsion CM Sato-Tate Regulator Period Leading coeff j-invariant Weierstrass coefficients Weierstrass equation
31684.2-a1 31684.2-a \(\Q(\sqrt{-11}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 89^{2} \) $2$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.074965405$ $1.179104394$ 3.837773143 \( \frac{1516876578875}{45118016} a + \frac{3606525111999}{45118016} \) \( \bigl[a + 1\) , \( -a - 1\) , \( a + 1\) , \( 47 a - 21\) , \( -141 a - 117\bigr] \) ${y}^2+\left(a+1\right){x}{y}+\left(a+1\right){y}={x}^{3}+\left(-a-1\right){x}^{2}+\left(47a-21\right){x}-141a-117$
31684.2-b1 31684.2-b \(\Q(\sqrt{-11}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 89^{2} \) $2$ $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $0.074965405$ $1.179104394$ 3.837773143 \( -\frac{1516876578875}{45118016} a + \frac{2561700845437}{22559008} \) \( \bigl[a\) , \( -1\) , \( a\) , \( -49 a + 28\) , \( 140 a - 257\bigr] \) ${y}^2+a{x}{y}+a{y}={x}^{3}-{x}^{2}+\left(-49a+28\right){x}+140a-257$
31684.2-c1 31684.2-c \(\Q(\sqrt{-11}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 89^{2} \) 0 $\mathsf{trivial}$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.551982120$ 5.325723881 \( -\frac{18806241149857}{11279504} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( -554\) , \( -5068\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}-554{x}-5068$
31684.2-c2 31684.2-c \(\Q(\sqrt{-11}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 89^{2} \) 0 $\Z/3\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.655946361$ 5.325723881 \( \frac{23639903}{364544} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 0\) , \( 0\) , \( 6\) , \( -28\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+6{x}-28$
31684.2-d1 31684.2-d \(\Q(\sqrt{-11}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 89^{2} \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $1.204226331$ 10.16646121 \( \frac{9759185353}{1458176} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -44\) , \( 80\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-44{x}+80$
31684.2-d2 31684.2-d \(\Q(\sqrt{-11}) \) \( 2^{2} \cdot 89^{2} \) 0 $\Z/2\Z$ $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ $1$ $0.602113165$ 10.16646121 \( \frac{35471840526793}{1013888} \) \( \bigl[1\) , \( 1\) , \( 0\) , \( -684\) , \( 6608\bigr] \) ${y}^2+{x}{y}={x}^{3}+{x}^{2}-684{x}+6608$
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  *The rank, regulator and analytic order of Ш are not known for all curves in the database; curves for which these are unknown will not appear in searches specifying one of these quantities.