
Label 2-2e6-4.3-c8-0-7
Degree $2$
Conductor $64$
Sign $1$
Analytic cond. $26.0722$
Root an. cond. $5.10609$
Motivic weight $8$
Arithmetic yes
Rational no
Primitive yes
Self-dual no
Analytic rank $0$


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Dirichlet series

L(s)  = 1  + 99.9i·3-s − 610·5-s − 1.39e3i·7-s − 3.42e3·9-s − 1.84e4i·11-s + 5.47e3·13-s − 6.09e4i·15-s + 7.30e4·17-s − 1.94e4i·19-s + 1.39e5·21-s + 2.37e5i·23-s − 1.85e4·25-s + 3.13e5i·27-s + 1.28e5·29-s + 6.79e4i·31-s + ⋯
L(s)  = 1  + 1.23i·3-s − 0.976·5-s − 0.582i·7-s − 0.521·9-s − 1.26i·11-s + 0.191·13-s − 1.20i·15-s + 0.875·17-s − 0.149i·19-s + 0.718·21-s + 0.847i·23-s − 0.0474·25-s + 0.589i·27-s + 0.181·29-s + 0.0735i·31-s + ⋯

Functional equation

\[\begin{aligned}\Lambda(s)=\mathstrut & 64 ^{s/2} \, \Gamma_{\C}(s) \, L(s)\cr =\mathstrut & \, \overline{\Lambda}(9-s) \end{aligned}\]
\[\begin{aligned}\Lambda(s)=\mathstrut & 64 ^{s/2} \, \Gamma_{\C}(s+4) \, L(s)\cr =\mathstrut & \, \overline{\Lambda}(1-s) \end{aligned}\]


Degree: \(2\)
Conductor: \(64\)    =    \(2^{6}\)
Sign: $1$
Analytic conductor: \(26.0722\)
Root analytic conductor: \(5.10609\)
Motivic weight: \(8\)
Rational: no
Arithmetic: yes
Character: $\chi_{64} (63, \cdot )$
Primitive: yes
Self-dual: no
Analytic rank: \(0\)
Selberg data: \((2,\ 64,\ (\ :4),\ 1)\)

Particular Values

\(L(\frac{9}{2})\) \(\approx\) \(1.47545\)
\(L(\frac12)\) \(\approx\) \(1.47545\)
\(L(5)\) not available
\(L(1)\) not available

Euler product

   \(L(s) = \displaystyle \prod_{p} F_p(p^{-s})^{-1} \)
bad2 \( 1 \)
good3 \( 1 - 99.9iT - 6.56e3T^{2} \)
5 \( 1 + 610T + 3.90e5T^{2} \)
7 \( 1 + 1.39e3iT - 5.76e6T^{2} \)
11 \( 1 + 1.84e4iT - 2.14e8T^{2} \)
13 \( 1 - 5.47e3T + 8.15e8T^{2} \)
17 \( 1 - 7.30e4T + 6.97e9T^{2} \)
19 \( 1 + 1.94e4iT - 1.69e10T^{2} \)
23 \( 1 - 2.37e5iT - 7.83e10T^{2} \)
29 \( 1 - 1.28e5T + 5.00e11T^{2} \)
31 \( 1 - 6.79e4iT - 8.52e11T^{2} \)
37 \( 1 - 3.47e6T + 3.51e12T^{2} \)
41 \( 1 - 2.14e6T + 7.98e12T^{2} \)
43 \( 1 + 5.92e6iT - 1.16e13T^{2} \)
47 \( 1 + 7.62e6iT - 2.38e13T^{2} \)
53 \( 1 + 8.24e5T + 6.22e13T^{2} \)
59 \( 1 + 3.72e6iT - 1.46e14T^{2} \)
61 \( 1 - 1.47e7T + 1.91e14T^{2} \)
67 \( 1 - 1.52e7iT - 4.06e14T^{2} \)
71 \( 1 - 1.19e6iT - 6.45e14T^{2} \)
73 \( 1 + 5.72e6T + 8.06e14T^{2} \)
79 \( 1 + 3.59e7iT - 1.51e15T^{2} \)
83 \( 1 + 5.19e7iT - 2.25e15T^{2} \)
89 \( 1 + 8.33e7T + 3.93e15T^{2} \)
97 \( 1 - 1.20e8T + 7.83e15T^{2} \)
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   \(L(s) = \displaystyle\prod_p \ \prod_{j=1}^{2} (1 - \alpha_{j,p}\, p^{-s})^{-1}\)

Imaginary part of the first few zeros on the critical line

−13.37616462565233790914174864650, −11.75958510373183490993354768687, −10.92897962510779414294763752497, −9.923664093719332757652865314180, −8.633702945814849767089338009083, −7.44751286963590300316291945565, −5.59513837838510094416668767674, −4.12442295323724367270428988216, −3.38750645087186340246926491883, −0.63307275723312919305251802875, 1.03321725869978853116927577304, 2.50993112200588389860417846615, 4.37337893284173940252729839676, 6.17231524327664394917947694639, 7.43448164004723637703366343760, 8.101762591965476280994931162787, 9.702490276936449846144991313921, 11.37172840882685673283418194405, 12.35772315185534093356642805183, 12.80762194927807919640080796236

Graph of the $Z$-function along the critical line