
Label 17.13.e
Level $17$
Weight $13$
Character orbit 17.e
Rep. character $\chi_{17}(3,\cdot)$
Character field $\Q(\zeta_{16})$
Dimension $136$
Newform subspaces $1$
Sturm bound $19$
Trace bound $0$

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Defining parameters

Level: \( N \) \(=\) \( 17 \)
Weight: \( k \) \(=\) \( 13 \)
Character orbit: \([\chi]\) \(=\) 17.e (of order \(16\) and degree \(8\))
Character conductor: \(\operatorname{cond}(\chi)\) \(=\) \( 17 \)
Character field: \(\Q(\zeta_{16})\)
Newform subspaces: \( 1 \)
Sturm bound: \(19\)
Trace bound: \(0\)


The following table gives the dimensions of various subspaces of \(M_{13}(17, [\chi])\).

Total New Old
Modular forms 152 152 0
Cusp forms 136 136 0
Eisenstein series 16 16 0

Trace form

\( 136 q - 8 q^{2} - 8 q^{3} - 8 q^{4} - 8 q^{5} - 8 q^{6} - 8 q^{7} - 8 q^{8} - 8 q^{9} + O(q^{10}) \) \( 136 q - 8 q^{2} - 8 q^{3} - 8 q^{4} - 8 q^{5} - 8 q^{6} - 8 q^{7} - 8 q^{8} - 8 q^{9} - 2635784 q^{10} + 4757752 q^{11} - 22609928 q^{12} + 10673272 q^{13} + 3502072 q^{14} - 71170184 q^{15} + 46886392 q^{17} + 74547184 q^{18} - 80847368 q^{19} - 295206920 q^{20} + 320622712 q^{21} + 447713272 q^{22} - 137854088 q^{23} - 3004773752 q^{24} + 2298907960 q^{25} - 1767674024 q^{26} - 1955702888 q^{27} + 1831780072 q^{28} + 2353871512 q^{29} + 1648963000 q^{30} - 4290489224 q^{31} - 6656963040 q^{32} + 14592033976 q^{34} + 9006459248 q^{35} + 2618908472 q^{36} - 11004483848 q^{37} - 14366583728 q^{38} - 12221759112 q^{39} + 67860944440 q^{40} + 16612966072 q^{41} - 39230166008 q^{42} - 38030425448 q^{43} + 1172085400 q^{44} + 78806110232 q^{45} + 45953676904 q^{46} - 30595593608 q^{47} - 140723658880 q^{48} - 47986747400 q^{49} + 58902553592 q^{51} + 176318054384 q^{52} + 34192960552 q^{53} - 160837309992 q^{54} + 87564777208 q^{55} - 236951569808 q^{56} - 326696541928 q^{57} - 269658912368 q^{58} + 145424567800 q^{59} + 854928187664 q^{60} + 350189365432 q^{61} - 155824126928 q^{62} - 352355345288 q^{63} - 199633905912 q^{64} - 164442147128 q^{65} - 1117736579520 q^{66} + 822283430752 q^{68} + 853264763504 q^{69} + 1555316187536 q^{70} + 480152268280 q^{71} - 772830210896 q^{72} - 1837118857208 q^{73} - 1727572231448 q^{74} - 1316758393352 q^{75} + 1172978609344 q^{76} + 1971859147192 q^{77} + 4788768418272 q^{78} + 853985260792 q^{79} - 1804299419160 q^{80} - 4052363200104 q^{81} - 4037632393088 q^{82} + 1940263973272 q^{83} - 35304826328 q^{85} + 7005215554400 q^{86} + 4437766132792 q^{87} + 1558906102072 q^{88} - 3095768903048 q^{89} - 10137003457096 q^{90} - 4488246464264 q^{91} - 1718874959768 q^{92} + 3236480330232 q^{93} + 8192837778712 q^{94} + 5958663150520 q^{95} + 5904001528112 q^{96} + 767067551992 q^{97} - 11915322182288 q^{98} - 12970815657184 q^{99} + O(q^{100}) \)

Decomposition of \(S_{13}^{\mathrm{new}}(17, [\chi])\) into newform subspaces

Label Char Prim Dim $A$ Field CM Traces Sato-Tate $q$-expansion
$a_{2}$ $a_{3}$ $a_{5}$ $a_{7}$
17.13.e.a 17.e 17.e $136$ $15.538$ None \(-8\) \(-8\) \(-8\) \(-8\) $\mathrm{SU}(2)[C_{16}]$