- ID: conrey
Brian Conrey has contributed to these Knowls:
A history of L-functions,
Artin L-functions,
Conductor of a Dirichlet character,
Degree of an L-function,
Dirichlet character,
Dirichlet's work on L-functions,
Euler product of an L-function,
Euler's work on the zeta function,
Functional equation of an L-function,
Generalized Riemann hypothesis,
Hasse-Weil L-function,
Hecke L-functions,
L-function spectral parameters ,
L-functions of Maass forms,
Ramanujan tau L-function,
Ranking-Selberg convolution, history,
Riemann zeta-function,
Riemann's memoir,
Selberg class axioms,
Selberg class of L-functions,
Selberg data for the functional equation of an L-function,
Siegel modular forms, history,
Sign of the functional equation,
Signature of an L-function,
Tate's thesis,
Underlying object of an L-function,
Values of a Dirichlet character,
Z-function of an L-function,
Zeros of an L-function