
Sam Schiavone has contributed to these Knowls: $abc$ quality, Abelianization, Abelianization label, Arithmetic genus, Belyi map label, Bézout module of a hypergeometric motive, Center label, Central quotient, Central quotient label, Commutator label, Commutator subgroup of a group, Component ideal, Computing labels of divisions of a group, Computing labels of subgroups, Conductor of a hypergeometric motive, Cusps, Degree of a Belyi map, Families of abstract groups, Find an abstract group, Generating deterministic sequences of pseudo-random group elements, Geometry type of a Belyi map, Hilbert modular surface, Hodge numbers, Kodaira dimension, Label of a Hilbert modular surface, Label of a hypergeometric motive, Level norm, Maximal division of a group, Minimal degree of a complex irrep, Minimal degree of a complex representation, Minimal degree of a rational irrep, Minimal degree of a rational representation, Number of Galois orbits, Orbit size, Order statistics of a group, Passport, Passport label, Passport size of a Belyi map, Permutation degree, Primes of good and bad reduction of a hypergeometric motive, Primitive Belyi map, Schur multiplier, Self-intersection of canonical divisor, Small and large divisions of a group, Source of Bianchi modular form data, Subgroup labels, Subgroups beyond an index bound, Tame primes for hypergeometric families, The local discriminant of a hypergeometric motive, The type of a hypergeometric motive, Wild primes for hypergeometric families, abc triple for Belyi maps, p-part of defining parameters of a hypergeometric motive