
Base \(\Q_{43}\)
Degree \(5\)
e \(1\)
f \(5\)
c \(0\)
Galois group $C_5$ (as 5T1)

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Defining polynomial

\(x^{5} + 8 x + 40\) Copy content Toggle raw display


Base field: $\Q_{43}$
Degree $d$: $5$
Ramification exponent $e$: $1$
Residue field degree $f$: $5$
Discriminant exponent $c$: $0$
Discriminant root field: $\Q_{43}$
Root number: $1$
$\card{ \Gal(K/\Q_{ 43 }) }$: $5$
This field is Galois and abelian over $\Q_{43}.$
Visible slopes:None

Intermediate fields

The extension is primitive: there are no intermediate fields between this field and $\Q_{ 43 }$.

Unramified/totally ramified tower

Unramified subfield: $\cong \Q_{43}(t)$ where $t$ is a root of \( x^{5} + 8 x + 40 \) Copy content Toggle raw display
Relative Eisenstein polynomial: \( x - 43 \) $\ \in\Q_{43}(t)[x]$ Copy content Toggle raw display

Ramification polygon

The ramification polygon is trivial for unramified extensions.

Invariants of the Galois closure

Galois group: $C_5$ (as 5T1)
Inertia group: trivial
Wild inertia group: $C_1$
Unramified degree: $5$
Tame degree: $1$
Wild slopes: None
Galois mean slope: $0$
Galois splitting model:$x^{5} - x^{4} - 12 x^{3} + 21 x^{2} + x - 5$