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When creating a statistics display, you can choose how proportions are computed. For each box in the resulting display (ie a set of values for the variables), let $N_B$ be the number of objects satisfying the given constraint and in that box.

  • Vs unconstrained: each entry will show the ratio of $N_B$ out of all objects in the box.
  • By row: each entry will show the ratio of $N_B$ by the sum of all other $N_{B'}$ in the same row.
  • By column: each entry will show the ratio of $N_B$ by the sum of all other $N_{B'}$ in the same column.
  • None: No proportions will be shown.
Knowl status:
  • Review status: beta
  • Last edited by David Roe on 2018-12-31 22:55:11
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