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The classical modular form database currently contains information for all newforms $f\in S_k^\mathrm{new}(N,\chi)$ of level $N\ge 1$, weight $k\ge 1$, character $\chi\colon (\Z/N\Z)^\times\to \C$, for which any of the following hold:

  • $Nk^2\le 4000$;
  • $\chi$ trivial and $Nk^2\le 40000$;
  • $N \le 24$ and $Nk^2 \le 40000$;
  • $N \le 10$ and $Nk^2 \le 100000$;
  • $N \le 100$ and $k \le 12$;
  • $k > 1$ and $\dim S_k^{\rm new}(N,\chi) \le 100$ and $Nk^2 \le 40000$.

In addition to the newspaces identified above, there are 131 newspaces that are present because they contain the minimal twist of a newform in one of the newspaces above.

For each newform with q-expansion $f=\sum a_nq^n$ the database contains the integers $\mathrm{tr}(a_n)$ for $1\le n \le 1000$, and when the dimension of $f$ is at most $20$, the algebraic integers $a_n$ for $1\le n \le 1000$ expressed in terms of an explicit basis for the coefficient ring $\Q(f)$. For $1000 < N \le 4000$ this data is available for all $n\le 2000$, and for $4000 < N\le 10000$, for all $n\le 3000$ (these values exceed both the Sturm bound and $30\sqrt{N}$ in every case). When the dimension of $f$ is at most 20 Hecke characteristic polynomials for primes $p\le 100$ are also available.

For each embedding $\rho\colon \Q(f)\to \C$ the complex numbers $\rho(a_n)$ are available as floating point numbers with a precision of at least 52 bits (separately, for both real and imaginary parts); this information is available for all newforms, regardless of their dimension, even when algebraic $a_n$ are not available (for the same ranges of $n$ as above).

Dimension tables are available for all newspaces $S_k^\mathrm{new}(N,\chi)$ with $Nk^2 \le 4000$, and also for those with $k>1$ and $Nk^2\le 40000$, and those with $N\le 10$ and $Nk^2\le 100000$. For newspaces in these ranges with $N\le 4000$ we have also computed the first 1000 coefficients of the trace form of the newspace.

Not every invariant of every newform has been computed (this is computationally infeasible). Below is completeness information for some specific invariants:

Knowl status:
  • Review status: reviewed
  • Last edited by Andrew Sutherland on 2022-12-01 11:18:25
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