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For a finite group $G$, we write Type - length as follows

  • If $G$ is abelian then we write "Abelian - $n$", where $n$ is the number of cyclic groups in the unique cyclic decomposition of $G$ as $C_{d_1} \times C_{d_2}\times \cdots \times C_{d_n}$ with $d_i\mid d_{i+1}$ and $d_i>0$.
  • If $G$ is nilpotent but not abelian then we write "Nilpotent - $n$", where $n$ is the nilpotency class of $G$.
  • If $G$ is solvable but not nilpotent then we write "Solvable - $n$", where $n$ is the derived length of $G$.
  • If $G$ is not solvable then we write "Non-solvable - $n$", where $n$ is the number of Jordan factors of $G$.
Knowl status:
  • Review status: reviewed
  • Last edited by Jennifer Paulhus on 2022-07-19 08:50:59
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