Let $\mathfrak{F}$ be the following set: \[ \mathfrak{F}=\{z\in\mathcal{H} : |z|\geq1 \text{ and } |\Re(z)|\leq1/2\}\cup\{\infty\}. \] Then $\mathfrak{F}$ is a fundamental domain for the action of $\Gamma$ on $\mathcal{H}$.
Knowl status:
- Review status: beta
- Last edited by John Jones on 2022-07-20 18:03:48
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- 2022-07-20 18:03:48 by John Jones
- 2019-05-25 09:10:22 by Alex J. Best
- 2019-05-25 09:09:26 by Alex J. Best
- 2016-03-24 12:04:39 by Andreea Mocanu