
Label 12.0.17547210909508096.1
Degree $12$
Signature $[0, 6]$
Discriminant $1.755\times 10^{16}$
Root discriminant \(22.58\)
Ramified primes $2,17$
Class number $2$
Class group [2]
Galois group $S_3^2:C_4$ (as 12T80)

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Show commands: Magma / Oscar / PariGP / SageMath

Normalized defining polynomial

sage: x = polygen(QQ); K.<a> = NumberField(x^12 - x^11 + 4*x^10 - 20*x^9 + 25*x^8 - 43*x^7 + 122*x^6 - 101*x^5 + 168*x^4 - 78*x^3 + 81*x^2 - 19*x + 13)
gp: K = bnfinit(y^12 - y^11 + 4*y^10 - 20*y^9 + 25*y^8 - 43*y^7 + 122*y^6 - 101*y^5 + 168*y^4 - 78*y^3 + 81*y^2 - 19*y + 13, 1)
magma: R<x> := PolynomialRing(Rationals()); K<a> := NumberField(x^12 - x^11 + 4*x^10 - 20*x^9 + 25*x^8 - 43*x^7 + 122*x^6 - 101*x^5 + 168*x^4 - 78*x^3 + 81*x^2 - 19*x + 13);
oscar: Qx, x = polynomial_ring(QQ); K, a = number_field(x^12 - x^11 + 4*x^10 - 20*x^9 + 25*x^8 - 43*x^7 + 122*x^6 - 101*x^5 + 168*x^4 - 78*x^3 + 81*x^2 - 19*x + 13)

\( x^{12} - x^{11} + 4 x^{10} - 20 x^{9} + 25 x^{8} - 43 x^{7} + 122 x^{6} - 101 x^{5} + 168 x^{4} + \cdots + 13 \) Copy content Toggle raw display

sage: K.defining_polynomial()
gp: K.pol
magma: DefiningPolynomial(K);
oscar: defining_polynomial(K)


Degree:  $12$
gp: poldegree(K.pol)
magma: Degree(K);
oscar: degree(K)
Signature:  $[0, 6]$
sage: K.signature()
gp: K.sign
magma: Signature(K);
oscar: signature(K)
Discriminant:   \(17547210909508096\) \(\medspace = 2^{9}\cdot 17^{11}\) Copy content Toggle raw display
sage: K.disc()
gp: K.disc
magma: OK := Integers(K); Discriminant(OK);
oscar: OK = ring_of_integers(K); discriminant(OK)
Root discriminant:  \(22.58\)
sage: (K.disc().abs())^(1./
gp: abs(K.disc)^(1/poldegree(K.pol))
magma: Abs(Discriminant(OK))^(1/Degree(K));
oscar: (1.0 * dK)^(1/degree(K))
Galois root discriminant:  $2^{3/2}17^{11/12}\approx 37.971390815226314$
Ramified primes:   \(2\), \(17\) Copy content Toggle raw display
sage: K.disc().support()
gp: factor(abs(K.disc))[,1]~
magma: PrimeDivisors(Discriminant(OK));
oscar: prime_divisors(discriminant((OK)))
Discriminant root field:  \(\Q(\sqrt{34}) \)
$\card{ \Aut(K/\Q) }$:  $2$
sage: K.automorphisms()
magma: Automorphisms(K);
oscar: automorphisms(K)
This field is not Galois over $\Q$.
This is not a CM field.

Integral basis (with respect to field generator \(a\))

$1$, $a$, $a^{2}$, $a^{3}$, $a^{4}$, $a^{5}$, $a^{6}$, $a^{7}$, $a^{8}$, $a^{9}$, $a^{10}$, $\frac{1}{41947802}a^{11}-\frac{2910948}{20973901}a^{10}+\frac{6989947}{20973901}a^{9}-\frac{93}{8447}a^{8}+\frac{2130439}{41947802}a^{7}+\frac{8914508}{20973901}a^{6}+\frac{1202673}{20973901}a^{5}+\frac{14577701}{41947802}a^{4}-\frac{2861777}{41947802}a^{3}+\frac{11365571}{41947802}a^{2}+\frac{7505235}{20973901}a+\frac{1095393}{3226754}$ Copy content Toggle raw display

sage: K.integral_basis()
gp: K.zk
magma: IntegralBasis(K);
oscar: basis(OK)

Monogenic:  Not computed
Index:  $1$
Inessential primes:  None

Class group and class number

$C_{2}$, which has order $2$

sage: K.class_group().invariants()
gp: K.clgp
magma: ClassGroup(K);
oscar: class_group(K)

Unit group

sage: UK = K.unit_group()
magma: UK, fUK := UnitGroup(K);
oscar: UK, fUK = unit_group(OK)
Rank:  $5$
sage: UK.rank()
gp: K.fu
magma: UnitRank(K);
oscar: rank(UK)
Torsion generator:   \( -1 \)  (order $2$) Copy content Toggle raw display
sage: UK.torsion_generator()
gp: K.tu[2]
magma: K!f(TU.1) where TU,f is TorsionUnitGroup(K);
oscar: torsion_units_generator(OK)
Fundamental units:   $\frac{6597476}{20973901}a^{11}+\frac{375319}{20973901}a^{10}+\frac{19586579}{20973901}a^{9}-\frac{43293}{8447}a^{8}+\frac{28208022}{20973901}a^{7}-\frac{123432822}{20973901}a^{6}+\frac{568749106}{20973901}a^{5}+\frac{125551572}{20973901}a^{4}+\frac{515213863}{20973901}a^{3}+\frac{309407597}{20973901}a^{2}+\frac{152473387}{20973901}a+\frac{8458067}{1613377}$, $\frac{5647515}{41947802}a^{11}-\frac{6229707}{20973901}a^{10}+\frac{12503565}{20973901}a^{9}-\frac{26670}{8447}a^{8}+\frac{259587247}{41947802}a^{7}-\frac{158278443}{20973901}a^{6}+\frac{408107478}{20973901}a^{5}-\frac{1194375691}{41947802}a^{4}+\frac{1062950069}{41947802}a^{3}-\frac{832488513}{41947802}a^{2}+\frac{169214244}{20973901}a-\frac{10155063}{3226754}$, $\frac{2041293}{41947802}a^{11}-\frac{2857355}{20973901}a^{10}+\frac{6005072}{20973901}a^{9}-\frac{10818}{8447}a^{8}+\frac{121584287}{41947802}a^{7}-\frac{85415568}{20973901}a^{6}+\frac{180655347}{20973901}a^{5}-\frac{579522615}{41947802}a^{4}+\frac{596713691}{41947802}a^{3}-\frac{491232679}{41947802}a^{2}+\frac{102552910}{20973901}a-\frac{6295707}{3226754}$, $\frac{300129}{3226754}a^{11}-\frac{133022}{1613377}a^{10}+\frac{396424}{1613377}a^{9}-\frac{15076}{8447}a^{8}+\frac{5861007}{3226754}a^{7}-\frac{2655370}{1613377}a^{6}+\frac{15569131}{1613377}a^{5}-\frac{19779989}{3226754}a^{4}+\frac{8017503}{3226754}a^{3}-\frac{6171917}{3226754}a^{2}-\frac{210513}{1613377}a+\frac{1733521}{3226754}$, $\frac{5355277}{20973901}a^{11}+\frac{5882516}{20973901}a^{10}+\frac{11998445}{20973901}a^{9}-\frac{28176}{8447}a^{8}-\frac{81950367}{20973901}a^{7}-\frac{2413660}{20973901}a^{6}+\frac{319628999}{20973901}a^{5}+\frac{690939978}{20973901}a^{4}+\frac{104809075}{20973901}a^{3}+\frac{715778524}{20973901}a^{2}-\frac{40361143}{20973901}a+\frac{16783513}{1613377}$ Copy content Toggle raw display
sage: UK.fundamental_units()
gp: K.fu
magma: [K|fUK(g): g in Generators(UK)];
oscar: [K(fUK(a)) for a in gens(UK)]
Regulator:  \( 2115.49319292 \)
sage: K.regulator()
gp: K.reg
magma: Regulator(K);
oscar: regulator(K)

Class number formula

\[ \begin{aligned}\lim_{s\to 1} (s-1)\zeta_K(s) =\mathstrut & \frac{2^{r_1}\cdot (2\pi)^{r_2}\cdot R\cdot h}{w\cdot\sqrt{|D|}}\cr \approx\mathstrut &\frac{2^{0}\cdot(2\pi)^{6}\cdot 2115.49319292 \cdot 2}{2\cdot\sqrt{17547210909508096}}\cr\approx \mathstrut & 0.982622703543 \end{aligned}\]

# self-contained SageMath code snippet to compute the analytic class number formula
x = polygen(QQ); K.<a> = NumberField(x^12 - x^11 + 4*x^10 - 20*x^9 + 25*x^8 - 43*x^7 + 122*x^6 - 101*x^5 + 168*x^4 - 78*x^3 + 81*x^2 - 19*x + 13)
DK = K.disc(); r1,r2 = K.signature(); RK = K.regulator(); RR = RK.parent()
hK = K.class_number(); wK = K.unit_group().torsion_generator().order();
2^r1 * (2*RR(pi))^r2 * RK * hK / (wK * RR(sqrt(abs(DK))))
# self-contained Pari/GP code snippet to compute the analytic class number formula
K = bnfinit(x^12 - x^11 + 4*x^10 - 20*x^9 + 25*x^8 - 43*x^7 + 122*x^6 - 101*x^5 + 168*x^4 - 78*x^3 + 81*x^2 - 19*x + 13, 1);
[polcoeff (lfunrootres (lfuncreate (K))[1][1][2], -1), 2^K.r1 * (2*Pi)^K.r2 * K.reg * / (K.tu[1] * sqrt (abs (K.disc)))]
/* self-contained Magma code snippet to compute the analytic class number formula */
Qx<x> := PolynomialRing(QQ); K<a> := NumberField(x^12 - x^11 + 4*x^10 - 20*x^9 + 25*x^8 - 43*x^7 + 122*x^6 - 101*x^5 + 168*x^4 - 78*x^3 + 81*x^2 - 19*x + 13);
OK := Integers(K); DK := Discriminant(OK);
UK, fUK := UnitGroup(OK); clK, fclK := ClassGroup(OK);
r1,r2 := Signature(K); RK := Regulator(K); RR := Parent(RK);
hK := #clK; wK := #TorsionSubgroup(UK);
2^r1 * (2*Pi(RR))^r2 * RK * hK / (wK * Sqrt(RR!Abs(DK)));
# self-contained Oscar code snippet to compute the analytic class number formula
Qx, x = PolynomialRing(QQ); K, a = NumberField(x^12 - x^11 + 4*x^10 - 20*x^9 + 25*x^8 - 43*x^7 + 122*x^6 - 101*x^5 + 168*x^4 - 78*x^3 + 81*x^2 - 19*x + 13);
OK = ring_of_integers(K); DK = discriminant(OK);
UK, fUK = unit_group(OK); clK, fclK = class_group(OK);
r1,r2 = signature(K); RK = regulator(K); RR = parent(RK);
hK = order(clK); wK = torsion_units_order(K);
2^r1 * (2*pi)^r2 * RK * hK / (wK * sqrt(RR(abs(DK))))

Galois group

$S_3^2:C_4$ (as 12T80):

sage: K.galois_group(type='pari')
gp: polgalois(K.pol)
magma: G = GaloisGroup(K);
oscar: G, Gtx = galois_group(K); G, transitive_group_identification(G)
A solvable group of order 144
The 18 conjugacy class representatives for $S_3^2:C_4$
Character table for $S_3^2:C_4$

Intermediate fields

\(\Q(\sqrt{17}) \), 4.0.39304.1, 6.2.11358856.1

Fields in the database are given up to isomorphism. Isomorphic intermediate fields are shown with their multiplicities.

sage: K.subfields()[1:-1]
gp: L = nfsubfields(K); L[2..length(b)]
magma: L := Subfields(K); L[2..#L];
oscar: subfields(K)[2:end-1]

Sibling fields

Degree 12 siblings: data not computed
Degree 24 siblings: data not computed
Degree 36 siblings: data not computed
Minimal sibling: 12.4.2193401363688512.1

Frobenius cycle types

$p$ $2$ $3$ $5$ $7$ $11$ $13$ $17$ $19$ $23$ $29$ $31$ $37$ $41$ $43$ $47$ $53$ $59$
Cycle type R ${\href{/padicField/}{4} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{4} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{12} }$ ${\href{/padicField/}{4} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{3}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{1} }^{6}$ R ${\href{/padicField/}{6} }{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{1} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{4} }^{3}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{4} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{12} }$ ${\href{/padicField/}{4} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{12} }$ ${\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{5}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{1} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{3} }^{4}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{6} }{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{1} }^{2}$ ${\href{/padicField/}{6} }{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{2} }^{2}{,}\,{\href{/padicField/}{1} }^{2}$

In the table, R denotes a ramified prime. Cycle lengths which are repeated in a cycle type are indicated by exponents.

# to obtain a list of $[e_i,f_i]$ for the factorization of the ideal $p\mathcal{O}_K$ for $p=7$ in Sage:
p = 7; [(e, pr.norm().valuation(p)) for pr,e in K.factor(p)]
\\ to obtain a list of $[e_i,f_i]$ for the factorization of the ideal $p\mathcal{O}_K$ for $p=7$ in Pari:
p = 7; pfac = idealprimedec(K, p); vector(length(pfac), j, [pfac[j][3], pfac[j][4]])
// to obtain a list of $[e_i,f_i]$ for the factorization of the ideal $p\mathcal{O}_K$ for $p=7 in Magma:
p := 7; [<pr[2], Valuation(Norm(pr[1]), p)> : pr in Factorization(p*Integers(K))];
# to obtain a list of $[e_i,f_i]$ for the factorization of the ideal $p\mathcal{O}_K$ for $p=7$ in Oscar:
p = 7; pfac = factor(ideal(ring_of_integers(K), p)); [(e, valuation(norm(pr),p)) for (pr,e) in pfac]

Local algebras for ramified primes

$p$LabelPolynomial $e$ $f$ $c$ Galois group Slope content
\(2\) Copy content Toggle raw display$x^{2} + 4 x + 10$$2$$1$$3$$C_2$$[3]$$x^{4} + 2 x^{3} + 31 x^{2} + 30 x + 183$$2$$2$$6$$C_2^2$$[3]^{2}$$x^{6} + x^{4} + x^{3} + x + 1$$1$$6$$0$$C_6$$[\ ]^{6}$
\(17\) Copy content Toggle raw display$x^{12} + 34$$12$$1$$11$$S_3 \times C_4$$[\ ]_{12}^{2}$