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The database currently contains 368,356 Hilbert modular forms over 400 totally real number fields of degree 2 to 6.

Distribution of level norms and degrees

2 3 4 5 6 Total
level norm
1 549 18 202 3 49 821
0.29% 0.04% 0.20% 0.02% 0.33% 0.22%
2-10 6073 1399 1276 333 87 9168
3.22% 3.05% 1.24% 2.05% 0.58% 2.49%
11-100 32324 23260 35317 6525 3769 101195
17.15% 50.70% 34.36% 40.21% 25.11% 27.47%
101-1000 89119 19560 54930 9355 11106 184070
47.29% 42.63% 53.44% 57.65% 73.99% 49.97%
1001-10000 60394 1643 11055 10 73102
32.05% 3.58% 10.76% 0.06% 19.85%
Total 188459 45880 102780 16226 15011 368356
51.16% 12.46% 27.90% 4.40% 4.08%

Distribution of level norms and dimensions

1 2 3 4 5-10 11-20 21-100 101-1000 Total
level norm
1 142 277 42 141 123 75 21 821
0.11% 0.48% 0.18% 0.58% 0.24% 0.22% 0.05% 0.22%
2-10 2614 2064 586 1072 1518 856 456 2 9168
1.98% 3.60% 2.56% 4.44% 2.92% 2.49% 1.05% 0.10% 2.49%
11-100 34529 16745 6338 7504 14916 9587 10995 581 101195
26.14% 29.22% 27.69% 31.11% 28.72% 27.89% 25.24% 27.99% 27.47%
101-1000 62945 28044 11650 11343 25937 17500 25302 1349 184070
47.66% 48.93% 50.90% 47.02% 49.93% 50.92% 58.08% 64.98% 49.97%
1001-10000 31851 10179 4273 4063 9448 6352 6792 144 73102
24.11% 17.76% 18.67% 16.84% 18.19% 18.48% 15.59% 6.94% 19.85%
Total 132081 57309 22889 24123 51942 34370 43566 2076 368356
35.86% 15.56% 6.21% 6.55% 14.10% 9.33% 11.83% 0.56%