# Data for modular curve with label 60.36.1.bg.1, downloaded from the LMFDB on 06 June 2024. {"label": "60.36.1.bg.1", "coarse_level": 60, "coarse_index": 36, "genus": 1, "coarse_label": "60.36.1.bg.1", "coarse_class": "60.36.1.bg", "coarse_class_num": 33, "coarse_num": 1, "level": 60, "index": 36, "fine_num": 0, "contains_negative_one": true, "determinant_label": "1.1.1", "scalar_label": "1.1.1", "generators": [[1, 5, 36, 17], [1, 20, 40, 19], [3, 35, 50, 51], [39, 5, 22, 59], [59, 50, 48, 53]], "canonical_generators": [[0, 1, 19, 52], [0, 1, 29, 22], [0, 13, 11, 52], [0, 13, 47, 26], [0, 13, 47, 46], [1, 0, 20, 1], [1, 20, 0, 1], [21, 20, 40, 41], [40, 3, 33, 10], [40, 9, 51, 58], [40, 21, 39, 22], [40, 51, 9, 22]], "parents": ["10.18.0.a.1", "60.6.0.b.1"], "parents_conj": [[25, 17, 22, 33], [47, 55, 1, 16]], "reductions": ["1.1.0.a.1", "2.3.0.a.1", "2.3.0.a.1", "2.3.0.a.1", "2.3.0.a.1", "5.6.0.a.1", "5.6.0.a.1", "10.18.0.a.1", "10.18.0.a.1", "10.18.0.a.1"], "factorization": [], "orbits": [[2, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1], [3, 8, 1], [4, 4, 1], [4, 8, 1], [5, 4, 1], [5, 20, 1], [6, 8, 1], [6, 16, 1], [10, 4, 1], [10, 8, 1], [10, 20, 1], [10, 40, 1], [12, 32, 1], [12, 64, 1], [15, 32, 1], [15, 160, 1], [20, 16, 1], [20, 32, 1], [20, 80, 1], [20, 160, 1], [30, 32, 1], [30, 64, 1], [30, 160, 1], [30, 320, 1], [60, 128, 1], [60, 256, 1], [60, 640, 1], [60, 1280, 1]], "kummer_orbits": [[2, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1], [3, 4, 1], [4, 2, 1], [4, 4, 1], [5, 2, 1], [5, 10, 1], [6, 4, 1], [6, 8, 1], [10, 2, 1], [10, 4, 1], [10, 10, 1], [10, 20, 1], [12, 16, 1], [12, 32, 1], [15, 16, 1], [15, 80, 1], [20, 8, 1], [20, 16, 1], [20, 40, 1], [20, 80, 1], [30, 16, 1], [30, 32, 1], [30, 80, 1], [30, 160, 1], [60, 64, 1], [60, 128, 1], [60, 320, 1], [60, 640, 1]], "isogeny_orbits": [[2, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1], [3, 4, 1], [4, 2, 1], [4, 4, 1], [5, 1, 1], [5, 5, 1], [6, 4, 1], [6, 8, 1], [10, 1, 1], [10, 2, 1], [10, 5, 1], [10, 10, 1], [12, 8, 1], [12, 16, 1], [15, 4, 1], [15, 20, 1], [20, 2, 1], [20, 4, 1], [20, 10, 1], [20, 20, 1], [30, 4, 1], [30, 8, 1], [30, 20, 1], [30, 40, 1], [60, 8, 1], [60, 16, 1], [60, 40, 1], [60, 80, 1]], "psl2index": 36, "nu2": 0, "nu3": 0, "cusps": 6, "psl2level": 20, "sl2level": 20, "rational_cusps": 2, "cusp_orbits": [[1, 2], [2, 2]], "cusp_widths": [[1, 2], [4, 1], [5, 2], [20, 1]], "psl2label": "20.36.1.a.1", "sl2label": "20.36.1.a.1", "CPlabel": "20D1", "Slabel": null, "SZlabel": null, "RZBlabel": null, "RSZBlabel": "", "Glabel": null, "name": null, "rank": 1, "genus_minus_rank": 0, "newforms": ["3600.2.a.be"], "dims": [1], "mults": [1], "traces": [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, -2, -6, 4, -6, -6, 4, -2, -6, -10, 6, -6, 12, 2, 2, -12, -2, -8, -6, 6, -2, -6, 14, 6, 2, -6, 2, 0, 18, 4, 6, -20, 22, -10, -18, -6, -12, -10, -12, -26, 18, -8, 16, -10, 6, 14, -6, -24, 14, 0, -6, 18, -18, -20, -26, -6, 14, -30, 2, 12, 22, -6, -8, -2, 30, -10, 18, 24, -22, -26, 28, -6, 6, -2, 30, -34, 36, 26, 36, -2, -8, -6, -6, -26, -30, 14, 30, -24, 26, 0, 4, 18, -6, 6, 14, 14, 26, -30, 18, -30, -8, 22, 6, 18, 0, -10, -22, -2, -6, -20, 28, 18, 14, -42, 42, 36, -22, 46, 18, 42, -8, 30, -34, -24, -46, 22, -20, -6, 4, 22, -42, 2, -30, 26, 42, 6, 16, 54, 38, 30, 2, -48, -50, 18, 4, -6, -26, 18, 14, -18, -46, 12, 16, 42, 22, 18, -18, -6, -22, -24, 18, 18, 4, -26], "trace_hash": 494513997903162760, "simple": true, "squarefree": true, "power": true, "conductor": [[2, 4], [3, 2], [5, 2]], "log_conductor": {"__RealLiteral__": 0, "data": "8.18868912444420136966", "prec": 74}, "q_gonality": 2, "q_gonality_bounds": [2, 2], "qbar_gonality": 2, "qbar_gonality_bounds": [2, 2], "bad_primes": [2, 3, 5], "num_bad_primes": 3, "level_radical": 30, "level_is_squarefree": false, "cm_discriminants": [], "obstructions": [], "pointless": false, "num_known_degree1_points": 3, "lattice_labels": ["1.1.0.a.1", "2.3.0.a.1", "5.6.0.a.1", "10.18.0.a.1", "60.6.0.b.1", "60.36.1.bg.1"], "lattice_x": [3750, 5544, 2011, 4728, 8533, 6630], "curve_label": "3600.be4", "canonical_conjugator": [12, 43, 59, 53], "has_obstruction": -1, "num_known_degree1_noncusp_points": 2, "num_known_degree1_noncm_points": 2, "models": 1, "all_degree1_points_known": null}