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Editing inside a knowl works as per usual in a wiki. However, please keep in mind that a knowl is context-free. By convention, knowls in the LMFDB should be written in complete English sentences.

Use latex macros where applicable. Then if we change the definition of the macro, it will be changed for all instances in the LMFDB. Current definitions can be found in base.html, and can be seen in the HTML source of all rendered pages.

If you were to put the code

... the {{ KNOWL("lfunction.rh.proof", "proof")}} of the {{KNOWL("lfunction.rh", "Riemann hypothesis")}} was found in ...

the result would look like

... the proof of the Riemann hypothesis was found in ...

As you can see the knowl proof is currently missing, but would be implicitly created once someone edits it.

When using a mathematical term for the first time in a knowl, if there exists a knowl defining that term, please link to it. The "Link suggestions" button can help you to find cases of this and insert the relevant links.

Please follow our naming conventions and naming suggestions for the description and identifier fields of knowls.

For a knowl that gives a definition of a mathematical term, use boldface to highlight the term being defined. For any other form of emphasis, use italics.

You can include inline citations using the "\cite" command, for example removing the quotes from the code

...average rank of elliptic curves is bounded as shown by Bhargava and Shankar "\cite"{doi:10.4007/annals.2015.181.1.3,MR:3272925,arXiv:1006.1002}.

yields citations by Document Object Identifer (DOI), MathSciNet MR number, and arXiv identifier:

...average rank of elliptic curves is bounded as shown by Bhargava and Shankar [10.4007/annals.2015.181.1.3, MR:3272925, arXiv:1006.1002].

You can also cite by giving an explicit hyperlink (but this should be done only when none of the other options is available). For example removing the quotes from

...average rank of elliptic curves is bounded as shown by Bhargava and Shankar "\cite"{href{}{}}.


...average rank of elliptic curves is bounded as shown by Bhargava and Shankar [].

Please check for and include an arXiv citation when available for the benefit of users who may not be able to access MathSciNet or journal article that requires a subscription (when available, citing by both MR number and arXiv identifier is preferable).


Since switching to \(\KaTeX\) some common commands are unsupported: the following replacements can be used

  • \varprojlim_{blah} : \lim_{\xleftarrow[blah]{}}
  • \substack{a}{b} : { {a} \atop {b} }
  • \begin{smallmatrix} \end{smallmatrix} or \smallmatrix{...} : \begin{pmatrix} \end{pmatrix} (and bmatrix, matrix, vmatrix variants)
  • \mbox : use \text or \operatorname or \mathrm
  • \begin{equation} : just use \[
  • eqnarray, split and align and variants : \begin{aligned}
Knowl status:
  • Review status: beta
  • Last edited by Shiva Chidambaram on 2023-11-17 10:08:08
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