# SageMath code for working with number field 23.23.434498173468775074445875189356350743903198920600715375079386035604631941932241.1 # Some of these functions may take a long time to execute (this depends on the field). # Define the number field: x = polygen(QQ); K. = NumberField(x^23 - 4324*x^21 - 6486*x^20 + 5382299*x^19 - 23233933*x^18 - 2724444300*x^17 + 29686323629*x^16 + 512000507352*x^15 - 10294412120640*x^14 + 6885232378569*x^13 + 1102283075184770*x^12 - 8796561210816172*x^11 - 7798660667836453*x^10 + 474243077814357335*x^9 - 2826995282155771181*x^8 + 5949260040976823570*x^7 + 9167317157190582864*x^6 - 81864894718917833350*x^5 + 204445625295748936871*x^4 - 269173314235796280477*x^3 + 199912058984322799237*x^2 - 78929282232647458634*x + 12862216057817467245) # Defining polynomial: K.defining_polynomial() # Degree over Q: K.degree() # Signature: K.signature() # Discriminant: K.disc() # Ramified primes: K.disc().support() # Autmorphisms: K.automorphisms() # Integral basis: K.integral_basis() # Class group: K.class_group().invariants() # Unit group: UK = K.unit_group() # Unit rank: UK.rank() # Generator for roots of unity: UK.torsion_generator() # Fundamental units: UK.fundamental_units() # Regulator: K.regulator() # Analytic class number formula: # self-contained SageMath code snippet to compute the analytic class number formula x = polygen(QQ); K. = NumberField(x^23 - 4324*x^21 - 6486*x^20 + 5382299*x^19 - 23233933*x^18 - 2724444300*x^17 + 29686323629*x^16 + 512000507352*x^15 - 10294412120640*x^14 + 6885232378569*x^13 + 1102283075184770*x^12 - 8796561210816172*x^11 - 7798660667836453*x^10 + 474243077814357335*x^9 - 2826995282155771181*x^8 + 5949260040976823570*x^7 + 9167317157190582864*x^6 - 81864894718917833350*x^5 + 204445625295748936871*x^4 - 269173314235796280477*x^3 + 199912058984322799237*x^2 - 78929282232647458634*x + 12862216057817467245) DK = K.disc(); r1,r2 = K.signature(); RK = K.regulator(); RR = RK.parent() hK = K.class_number(); wK = K.unit_group().torsion_generator().order(); 2^r1 * (2*RR(pi))^r2 * RK * hK / (wK * RR(sqrt(abs(DK)))) # Intermediate fields: K.subfields()[1:-1] # Galois group: K.galois_group(type='pari') # Frobenius cycle types: # to obtain a list of $[e_i,f_i]$ for the factorization of the ideal $p\mathcal{O}_K$ for $p=7$ in Sage: p = 7; [(e, pr.norm().valuation(p)) for pr,e in K.factor(p)]