
Label 24.96.3.dl.1
Level $24$
Index $96$
Genus $3$
Analytic rank $0$
Cusps $12$
$\Q$-cusps $0$

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Level: $24$ $\SL_2$-level: $12$ Newform level: $192$
Index: $96$ $\PSL_2$-index:$96$
Genus: $3 = 1 + \frac{ 96 }{12} - \frac{ 0 }{4} - \frac{ 0 }{3} - \frac{ 12 }{2}$
Cusps: $12$ (none of which are rational) Cusp widths $4^{6}\cdot12^{6}$ Cusp orbits $2^{4}\cdot4$
Elliptic points: $0$ of order $2$ and $0$ of order $3$
Analytic rank: $0$
$\Q$-gonality: $2$
$\overline{\Q}$-gonality: $2$
Rational cusps: $0$
Rational CM points: none

Other labels

Cummins and Pauli (CP) label: 12L3
Rouse, Sutherland, and Zureick-Brown (RSZB) label:

Level structure

$\GL_2(\Z/24\Z)$-generators: $\begin{bmatrix}1&1\\12&11\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}13&20\\0&5\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}17&15\\6&13\end{bmatrix}$, $\begin{bmatrix}19&10\\6&19\end{bmatrix}$
$\GL_2(\Z/24\Z)$-subgroup: Group 768.136644
Contains $-I$: yes
Quadratic refinements: 24.192.3-24.dl.1.1, 24.192.3-24.dl.1.2, 24.192.3-24.dl.1.3, 24.192.3-24.dl.1.4, 24.192.3-24.dl.1.5, 24.192.3-24.dl.1.6, 24.192.3-24.dl.1.7, 24.192.3-24.dl.1.8, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.1, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.2, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.3, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.4, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.5, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.6, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.7, 48.192.3-24.dl.1.8, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.1, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.2, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.3, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.4, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.5, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.6, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.7, 120.192.3-24.dl.1.8, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.1, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.2, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.3, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.4, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.5, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.6, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.7, 168.192.3-24.dl.1.8, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.1, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.2, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.3, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.4, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.5, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.6, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.7, 240.192.3-24.dl.1.8, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.1, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.2, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.3, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.4, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.5, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.6, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.7, 264.192.3-24.dl.1.8, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.1, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.2, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.3, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.4, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.5, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.6, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.7, 312.192.3-24.dl.1.8
Cyclic 24-isogeny field degree: $4$
Cyclic 24-torsion field degree: $32$
Full 24-torsion field degree: $768$


Conductor: $2^{18}\cdot3^{3}$
Simple: no
Squarefree: yes
Decomposition: $1\cdot2$
Newforms: 192.2.a.b, 192.2.c.a


Embedded model Embedded model in $\mathbb{P}^{5}$

$ 0 $ $=$ $ x^{2} - x z + y^{2} - y z $
$=$ $2 x w + x t + y u$
$=$ $x w - x t - y w + y t + z w - z t + z u$
$=$ $x w - x t + y w - y t - 3 z w$
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Singular plane model Singular plane model

$ 0 $ $=$ $ 10 x^{8} + 8 x^{7} z - 37 x^{6} y^{2} + 12 x^{6} z^{2} - 78 x^{5} y^{2} z + 8 x^{5} z^{3} + \cdots - y^{2} z^{6} $
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Weierstrass model Weierstrass model

$ y^{2} $ $=$ $ 2x^{8} + 80x^{4} + 288 $
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Rational points

This modular curve has real points and $\Q_p$ points for $p$ not dividing the level, but no known rational points.

Maps between models of this curve

Birational map from embedded model to plane model:

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle x$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle \frac{1}{3}u$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle y$

Birational map from embedded model to Weierstrass model:

$\displaystyle X$ $=$ $\displaystyle x^{3}+x^{2}y$
$\displaystyle Y$ $=$ $\displaystyle -\frac{37}{3}x^{11}u-\frac{41}{3}x^{10}yu-\frac{10}{3}x^{9}y^{2}u-\frac{10}{3}x^{8}y^{3}u-\frac{5}{3}x^{7}y^{4}u-\frac{1}{3}x^{6}y^{5}u$
$\displaystyle Z$ $=$ $\displaystyle x^{3}$

Maps to other modular curves

$j$-invariant map of degree 96 from the embedded model of this modular curve to the modular curve $X(1)$ :

$\displaystyle j$ $=$ $\displaystyle -\frac{1}{2^{15}\cdot3^3}\cdot\frac{5283615080448xy^{9}u^{2}-9001714581504xy^{7}u^{4}+3261490790400xy^{5}u^{6}-391378894848xy^{3}u^{8}-11542724608xyu^{10}+2641807540224y^{12}-7044820107264y^{10}u^{2}+3815944224768y^{8}u^{4}+579820584960y^{6}u^{6}-752558800896y^{4}u^{8}+6979321856y^{2}u^{10}+6484997376yz^{11}+33175775232yz^{9}u^{2}-1033365454848yz^{7}u^{4}+4730520600576yz^{5}u^{6}-58232332615680yz^{3}u^{8}-297578151280640yzu^{10}-5093015616z^{12}+43391199744z^{10}u^{2}+102873120768z^{8}u^{4}-918327656448z^{6}u^{6}+31700954382336z^{4}u^{8}+107983597993984z^{2}u^{10}+660935299536wt^{11}+16161632996652wt^{10}u+81431219833164wt^{9}u^{2}+156388858673814wt^{8}u^{3}+133540373072664wt^{7}u^{4}+21242077059816wt^{6}u^{5}-50901422379408wt^{5}u^{6}-41680590331644wt^{4}u^{7}-48881439962856wt^{3}u^{8}-54272321583472wt^{2}u^{9}-292738149503528wtu^{10}-229350634012408wu^{11}+289157579541t^{12}+4610632463964t^{11}u+8617344948027t^{10}u^{2}-4329070416342t^{9}u^{3}-20820372041421t^{8}u^{4}-8635223807244t^{7}u^{5}+15053246025714t^{6}u^{6}+10266080623632t^{5}u^{7}-29382511662324t^{4}u^{8}-40531052653556t^{3}u^{9}-57354053326456t^{2}u^{10}-177769805357148tu^{11}-38147356589891u^{12}}{u^{6}(12wt^{5}+150wt^{4}u+352wt^{3}u^{2}+348wt^{2}u^{3}+136wtu^{4}+16wu^{5}+5t^{6}+30t^{5}u-12t^{4}u^{2}-40t^{3}u^{3}-14t^{2}u^{4}+16tu^{5}+15u^{6})}$

Modular covers

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Cover information

Click on a modular curve in the diagram to see information about it.

This modular curve minimally covers the modular curves listed below.

Covered curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank Kernel decomposition
12.48.0.b.1 $12$ $2$ $2$ $0$ $0$ full Jacobian
24.48.1.dp.1 $24$ $2$ $2$ $1$ $0$ $2$
24.48.2.c.1 $24$ $2$ $2$ $2$ $0$ $1$

This modular curve is minimally covered by the modular curves in the database listed below.

Covering curve Level Index Degree Genus Rank Kernel decomposition
24.288.13.hg.1 $24$ $3$ $3$ $13$ $2$ $1^{4}\cdot2^{3}$
48.192.9.of.2 $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$
48.192.9.oh.2 $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$
48.192.9.oj.2 $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$
48.192.9.ol.2 $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$ $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$ $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$
48.192.9.pi.1 $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$ $48$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $0$ $2\cdot4$ $72$ $3$ $3$ $13$ $?$ not computed $72$ $3$ $3$ $19$ $?$ not computed
72.288.19.fa.1 $72$ $3$ $3$ $19$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.clj.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.cll.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.cln.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.clp.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.cnc.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.cne.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.cng.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed
240.192.9.cni.1 $240$ $2$ $2$ $9$ $?$ not computed