\\ Pari/GP code for working with elliptic curve 6.6.453789.1-41.6-c1 \\ (Note that not all these functions may be available, and some may take a long time to execute.) \\ Define the base number field: K = nfinit(Polrev([1, -8, 8, 6, -6, -1, 1])); \\ Define the curve: E = ellinit([Polrev([-4,3,2,-4,0,1]),Polrev([-7,7,6,-6,-1,1]),Polrev([0,-3,0,1,0,0]),Polrev([5,-22,-9,11,3,-1]),Polrev([-6,37,-2,-31,2,6])], K); \\ Compute the conductor: ellglobalred(E)[1] \\ Compute the norm of the conductor: idealnorm(ellglobalred(E)[1]) \\ Compute the discriminant: E.disc \\ Compute the norm of the discriminant: norm(E.disc) \\ Compute the j-invariant: E.j \\ Compute the torsion subgroup: T = elltors(E); T[2] \\ Compute the order of the torsion subgroup: T[1] \\ Compute the generators of the torsion subgroup: T[3]